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2287 Resource s
  1. PATH is working with state governments in India to improve access to COVID-19 testing by building a cost effective, sustainable, and scalable model for testing strategy and capacity.
    Published: February 2021
    Resource Page
    Fact Sheet
  2. The Prospective Country Evaluation (PCE) is an embedded mixed-methods evaluation platform designed to examine the Global Fund business model, investments, and contribution to disease program outcomes and impact in eight countries. The PCE generates timely evidence to support program improvements and accelerate progress towards the objectives of the Global Fund 2017-2022 Strategy.This report presents findings synthesized across the eight PCE countries in 2020 presenting a comprehensive look at the Global Fund grant cycle. The PCE assessed how business model factors have facilitated or hindered the achievement of objectives during implementation of grants approved during the 2017-19 funding cycle, including around Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health (RSSH), sustainability and equity, and whether lessons learned during current grants have informed the next funding cycle. The objective of this grant cycle analysis was to understand what, when, why, and how grant investments change over time, including significant factors that influenced the implementation of and changes to the original grant.
    Published: February 2021
    Resource Page
  3. This brief provides a landscape of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency in Myanmar. The brief provides information about how G6PD is measured, and collates all accessible data from gray and peer-reviewed literature to offer a comprehensive view of the situation in Myanmar.
    Published: February 2021
    Resource Page
  4. In a world with dynamic population movements, outbreaks with cross-border implications, and increasingly politicized health issues, linear and inflexible approaches to global health programs are ineffective. Adaptive management has emerged as one possible approach that embodies iteration and adaptability in program design and implementation to help with navigating complex and dynamic environments. It entails iterative program timelines, funding mechanisms, monitoring and evaluation plans, and implementation strategies that allow for a process of continuous “learning by doing.” It builds in explicit processes of testing, learning, and iteration throughout the project lifecycle and calls for an organizational culture that embraces flexibility and learns from its failures. Real-time data systems can strengthen adaptive management by generating data that can more rapidly inform tactical adaptations, changes, and future planning. This white paper challenges traditional project management in the global development sector. It encourages donors, policymakers, implementers, and ministries of health to set a new precedent of adaptive programming.
    Published: February 2021
    Resource Page
    Brief, Report
  5. Critical care services use oxygen as a primary commodity required for the management of moderate and severe COVID-19 patients, particularly in accident and emergency departments and intensive care units. Similarly, general and specialist anesthesia services all rely on oxygen support through noninvasive and invasive mechanical ventilation.To this end, the Zambia Ministry of Health, in collaboration with its Zambia National Public Health Institute and PATH, cohosted a virtual Zambia Oxygen Summit from October 20 to 23, 2020. The summit aimed at addressing demand for national medical grade oxygen, or medical oxygen, in the management of critically or severely ill COVID-19 patients within the designated pandemic treatment centers and around the country. The summit’s primary goal was to obtain stakeholder input and recommendations to improve the government’s oxygen escalation plan for acute respiratory care among COVID-19 patients.This report shares highlights from the discussions held during the summit around strategies and approaches to improving access to medical oxygen. It illustrates the current national status of oxygen scale-up, challenges, and lessons learned, as well as mitigation strategies in the production and supply of medical oxygen. The report also presents a set of proposed recommendations to improve access to safe oxygen in Zambia.
    Published: February 2021
    Resource Page