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2287 Resource s
2287 Resource s
  1. In Uganda, the reality of limited resources dedicated to primary health care (PHC) means that efficiency of the utilization of those resources is even more important. Against this backdrop, in 2020 PATH commissioned a study to assess the trends in utilization of PHC non-wage financing in Uganda at both national and subnational levels over a five-year period—2016-2020. This full-length report and advocacy brief outline key findings from the study of different levels of health service delivery in five districts: Arua, Kasese, Kisoro, Mukono and Tororo.
    Published: March 2021
    Resource Page
    Brief, Report
  2. In order to unify the labeling requirements for COVID-19 vaccines that will be supplied through the Access to COVID-19 Tools (Act) Accelerator, draft models for the vial labels and packaging have been proposed by the World Health Organization and Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation (CEPI). PATH's Living Labs Initiative used human-centered design methods to engage healthcare workers in Kenya and Zambia to evaluate these draft models. Their feedback on their desired features of vaccine labels and packaging have informed a series of recommendations for manufacturers for future vaccine vial development and for universal training guidelines for immunizations workers on the COVID-19 vaccine.
    Published: March 2021
    Resource Page
  3. This report details the findings from the 2020 NCD Navigator data collection in Ghana and Kenya. The NCD Navigator is a first-of-its-kind, locally managed, NCD digital information system that provides information on NCD programming in a country. Stakeholders can use the NCD Navigator to explore active NCD initiatives in a country, establish a common understanding of gaps, work collectively to avoid duplication, and seize opportunities to better meet the needs of people living with NCDs.
    Published: March 2021
    Resource Page
  4. Medical devices play an essential role in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of maternal, neonatal, and child health (MNCH) in low- and middle-income countries. However, medical devices have unique characteristics that make them difficult to manage effectively, particularly in low-resource settings.As countries experience rising life expectancy and a shift toward noncommunicable disease burden, demand is growing rapidly for device-intensive services like life support and chronic disease management. There is also an expectation that this growing need will be met with domestic rather than donor resources as countries move up in income status. Strengthening access to medical devices is therefore a critical area for health system investment.This fact sheet offers an overview of the Market Dynamics for MNCH Medical Devices project (MD4MD), which aims to diagnose key barriers that impede access to MNCH medical devices in low- and middle-income countries and prioritize potential solutions to address these barriers.
    Published: March 2021
    Resource Page
    Fact Sheet
  5. Working across 24 countries in sub-Saharan Africa as well as Cambodia and Colombia, the PMI VectorLink Project is working with national malaria programs to plan and implement safe, cost-effective, and sustainable IRS, ITN, and other life-saving malaria vector control interventions with the overall goal of reducing the burden of malaria.PMI VectorLink works with national malaria programs to compile, analyze, and visualize relevant existing data to guide vector control decisions and strategies. National program and partner datasets are integrated for review and analysis, including entomological, epidemiological, intervention coverage, and climatological data. PMI VectorLink addresses barriers to using existing data through dashboards that make relevant data more easily accessible, digestible, timely, and action-oriented.In Nigeria, through a PATH-led integrated data analytics and visualization activity, PMI VectorLink is using data to mitigate the impact of insecticide resistance. This case study explores the opportunity and challenge of using new nets formulated to combat insecticide resistance, and how data is assisting decision-making.The PMI VectorLink project is being led by Abt Associates in partnership with Population Services International and PATH along with the support of Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Malaria Consortium, Innovative Vector Control Consortium, McKinsey & Company, Inc., EnCompass LLC, BAO Systems LLC, Digital Globe, and Dimagi, Inc.
    Published: March 2021
    Resource Page