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2287 Resource s
2287 Resource s
  1. The Global Fund Prospective Country Evaluation (PCE) is an embedded mixed-methods evaluation platform designed to examine the Global Fund business model, investments, and contribution to disease program outcomes and impact in eight countries. The PCE generates timely evidence to support program improvements and accelerate progress towards the objectives of the Global Fund 2017-2022 Strategy.The 2020-2021 Annual Report presents findings from the grant cycle analysis which examined what, when, why, and how grants approved through the New Funding Model 2 (NFM2; 2017-2019 funding cycle) changed over time, including significant factors that influenced the implementation of changes to the original grant. Additionally, the report includes findings on how the NFM3 (2020-2022 funding cycle) grant design process was informed by lessons from NFM2.The 2021 Extension Phase Report presents findings from a three-month extension of the PCE that focused on a deeper analysis of several areas within the grant cycle analysis, including: grant revision and lessons learnt from the Global Fund’s response to COVID-19, investments in health systems support and health systems strengthening, uptake of new RSSH coverage indicators, and drivers of budgetary shifts in RSSH and equity-related investments during NFM3 grant making.
    Published: March 2021
    Resource Page
  2. India is an emerging economy with a population of more than 1.3 billion people. Over the past several decades the country has experienced rapid development and there has been a marked shift in its disease pattern. Given the rise in the noncommunicable disease (NCD) burden in India, PATH and Access Accelerated undertook an NCD landscaping study to identify key stakeholders as well as barriers and facilitators in the provision of NCD care. PATH developed priority areas of investment based on expert interviews, local prevalence data, and a review of policies and related literature exposing barriers and facilitators to access to quality NCD care.
    Published: March 2021
    Resource Page
  3. The MAP Center of Excellence has produced two business case analyses for measles-rubella (MR) vaccine and contraceptive MAPs to inform future investment and development. Please send any feedback or comments on the documents to
    Published: March 2021
    Resource Page
    Brief, Report
  4. Working across 24 countries in sub-Saharan Africa as well as Cambodia and Colombia, the PMI VectorLink Project is working with national malaria programs to plan and implement safe, cost-effective, and sustainable IRS, ITN, and other life-saving malaria vector control interventions with the overall goal of reducing the burden of malaria.PMI VectorLink works with national malaria programs to compile, analyze, and visualize relevant existing data to guide vector control decisions and strategies. National program and partner datasets are integrated for review and analysis, including entomological, epidemiological, intervention coverage, and climatological data. PMI VectorLink addresses barriers to using existing data through dashboards that make relevant data more easily accessible, digestible, timely, and action-oriented.In Zambia, through a PATH-led integrated data analytics and visualization activity, PMI VectorLink compiled and visualized over 600 data points in vector composition and insecticide resistance to inform the selection of the right vector control products for the right locations. The PMI VectorLink project is being led by Abt Associates in partnership with Population Services International and PATH along with the support of Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Malaria Consortium, Innovative Vector Control Consortium, McKinsey & Company, Inc., EnCompass LLC, BAO Systems LLC, Digital Globe, and Dimagi, Inc.
    Published: March 2021
    Resource Page
  5. Working across 24 countries in sub-Saharan Africa as well as Cambodia and Colombia, the PMI VectorLink Project is working with national malaria programs to plan and implement safe, cost-effective, and sustainable IRS, ITN, and other life-saving malaria vector control interventions with the overall goal of reducing the burden of malaria.PMI VectorLink works with national malaria programs to compile, analyze, and visualize relevant existing data to guide vector control decisions and strategies. National program and partner datasets are integrated for review and analysis, including entomological, epidemiological, intervention coverage, and climatological data. PMI VectorLink addresses barriers to using existing data through dashboards that make relevant data more easily accessible, digestible, timely, and action-oriented.In Mali, through a PATH-led integrated data analytics and visualization activity, PMI VectorLink is supporting vector control decisions regarding which type, how many, and where insecticide-treated nets should be deployed to reduce malaria case incidence and combat insecticide resistance.The PMI VectorLink project is being led by Abt Associates in partnership with Population Services International and PATH along with the support of Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Malaria Consortium, Innovative Vector Control Consortium, McKinsey & Company, Inc., EnCompass LLC, BAO Systems LLC, Digital Globe, and Dimagi, Inc.
    Published: March 2021
    Resource Page