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2285 Resource s
2285 Resource s
  1. En los países de ingresos bajos y medianos (PIBM), muchas mujeres sufren y mueren a causa del cáncer de mama, un cáncer que puede tratarse con éxito si se detecta a tiempo.El cáncer de mama es el principal tipo de cáncer que afecta a las mujeres de todo el mundo, con más de 2 millones de casos nuevos estimados en el 2020; muriendo más de 625.000 mujeres cada año por esta causa[i]. La mayoría de estas muertes ocurren en los PIMB, donde son comunes la detección en etapa tardía y el diagnóstico y tratamiento inaccesibles para el cáncer de mama.
    Published: April 2022
    Resource Page
  2. This is a comprehensive collection of breast cancer detection training materials, available in English and Spanish. If you're a policymaker, public health practitioner, or health care worker, feel free to use these materials for training and skill-building.
    Published: April 2022
    Resource Page
    Training Material
  3. A functional and responsive pharmacovigilance system is an essential element of any health system. After a medicine gains regulatory approval and begins to be used by doctors and patients a pharmacovigilance system will monitor the drug’s safety in real world settings by trying to detect, understand, and prevent adverse drugs reactions and other drug-related problems. PATH & partners have assessed Myanmar’s current pharmacovigilance system using WHO’s criteria is provided, as are results of previous research and recommendations to improve the pharmacovigilance system based on the assessment. Data for the review was gathered from databases (e.g. PubMed, Cochrane Library), WHO, national policy documents, domestic studies, and via key informant interviews.
    Published: April 2022
    Resource Page
  4. Family planning is recognized as the second-best return on investment, after education, among all targets set under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The goal of “every pregnancy a planned pregnancy” is fundamental to progress in health and economic development. To tackle issues of access, continuity of use, and exercise of choice in family planning options, PATH is working to strengthen the supply chain of FP commodities. We designed and implemented initiatives to strengthen the supply chain systems in 8 states in India. Here's an overview of these interventions.
    Published: April 2022
    Resource Page
    Part of a Series, Presentation, Report
  5. The COVID-19 Maternal Immunization Resource Library is a one-stop information hub linking to global and country-specific research, guidance, tools, publications, and other resources related to COVID-19 vaccines and pregnancy and/or breastfeeding. The tool is designed to support decision-makers, implementers, funders, advocates, and others working to advance COVID-19 maternal immunization by connecting them to the latest information on research, safety registries, vaccine safety and acceptance, pregnancy outcomes, and other topics. Information will be useful for stakeholders across vaccine; maternal, newborn, and child health; and other public health fields.
    Published: April 2022
    Resource Page