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2285 Resource s
2285 Resource s
  1. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for oxygen and other respiratory care supplies and equipment around the globe.In response, PATH conducted a biomedical equipment survey in 692 health facilities across the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The purpose of the survey was to quantify the existing oxygen production and delivery equipment, consumables for administering oxygen therapy, bed capacity, and facility infrastructure that are relevant to providing respiratory care. Survey results suggest an overall scarcity of critical equipment and unequal distribution across surveyed facilities in the DRC.This report summarizes observations from the collected data and is intended to help global and national stakeholders understand COVID-19 treatment capacity in DRC.
    Published: March 2022
    Resource Page
  2. PATH's Primary Health Care Strategy for India highlights our vision of equitable access to high-performing primary health care for all aspects of reproductive, maternal, child and adolescent health and for the most prevalent communicable, non-communicable and occupational diseases.
    Published: March 2022
    Resource Page
  3. PATH India with its partners embarked on a global search for innovators and entrepreneurs in the healthcare sector with the ‘PHC Tech Challenge’. We aim to contribute to the success of comprehensive primary health care program by bringing together all the relevant stakeholders to advance efforts towards improving quality, access, and affordability of primary healthcare and introducing transformative solutions/innovations that could be demonstrated and scaled.The PHC Tech Challenge was rolled out with the objective of providing a platform that brings together promising MedTech, digital health and cold chain innovations from all across the globe for sharing with key stakeholders.Our vision through this challenge is to accelerate deployment of near-ready solutions in public health settings to improve access to primary health care in India and in other low and middle-income countries.
    Published: February 2022
    Resource Page
  4. The gender-based violence (GBV) project implemented by PATH assessed the needs of women migrant workers through consultations with peer educators and developed messages to increase awareness of GBV in the migrant community. The messages were disseminated through different digital platforms. This increased awareness and facilitated discussions among the network of over 10,000 migrant factory workers. The different trainings on SRHR and GBV increased knowledge on legal regulations/laws that prevent women and girls from harassment. This brief shares the responses of the peer educators who received the trainings.
    Published: February 2022
    Resource Page
  5. PATH worked with the local women's network to address the growing need for information and services related to gender-based violence (GBV) and sexual reproductive health (SRH) for migrant women in Myanmar.Through this project, PATH and partners increased awareness of gender-bases violence (GBV) among the migrant community in peri-urban Yangon, provided health and social support services to women and girls, and fostered partnership with local and international partners for increasing access to updated information and quality services for SRH and GBV issues.Read this factsheet to learn more.
    Published: February 2022
    Resource Page
    Fact Sheet