Our impact

Related program: Center for Advocacy and Policy

PATH's Center for Advocacy and Policy works with government, civil society, health care providers, and citizens in 25+ countries to influence and design evidence-based policies, protect funding, and ensure policies are implemented at the community level. Along with partners, we conduct in-depth impact monitoring and evaluation to understand and document the reach of our work.

our policy wins
We shape policy change and action. Since 2018 we have influenced:
policies adopted
policy implementation actions by government

Advocacy in action

Case study: advocacy for respiratory care

our funding wins
We help grow funding for health from governments in Africa. Since 2018 we have helped mobilize:
funding lines increased or maintained in government budgets
new funding allocated by Kenya and Uganda for immunization
estimated long-term return from increased immunization funds
Infographic: PATH's advocacy impact through immunization
Our wins in the United States
We advocate with the US Congress for increased support for global health programs. Since 2018:
new US funding for maternal and child health and immunization
new US funding for global health R&D
Infographic: PATH's advocacy impact in the US
our impact with partners
We build coalitions and equip partners with evidence and skills. Since 2022:
uses of our evidence in policies and policy deliberations
coalitions founded or led
local organizations trained with our advocacy strategy curriculum