Our impact
PATH's Center for Advocacy and Policy works with government, civil society, health care providers, and citizens in 25+ countries to influence and design evidence-based policies, protect funding, and ensure policies are implemented at the community level. Along with partners, we conduct in-depth impact monitoring and evaluation to understand and document the reach of our work.
Advocacy in action
Case study: advocacy for respiratory care

PATH supports national and county governments in Kenya to implement PHC reforms. In 2024, we launched a report with MOH on seven counties' experiences implementing PHC, with lessons to help other counties.
1 of 7In Kenya, PATH and the Kakamega County MNCH civil society coalition track if the county government is upholding its commitments to improve health facilities. Accountability through facility audits helped double the county rate of skilled birth attendance.
2 of 7Thanks in part to PATH’s leadership and the combined budget advocacy of our partners, in 2019 Uganda’s government nearly doubled the funding for traditional vaccines.
3 of 7The Global Health Technologies Coalition honored US Senator Cory Booker at their annual ‘Innovating for Impact’ awards at the PATH office in 2024. Sen. Booker cosponsored the Strengthening Innovative Global Health Technologies Act spearheaded by GHTC.
4 of 7PATH works with regional bodies such as the African Union to support more aligned regulatory systems and stronger medicines manufacturing across Africa. Key leaders voiced their support at an event we held with Africa CDC at the World Health Assembly.
5 of 7As part of our advocacy for Gavi, PATH brought Jimmy Ameny from the Uganda MOH immunization program, to Washington DC to speak to Congress about the impact of Gavi grants. That year, the US made the largest-ever commitment to Gavi reinvestment.
6 of 7PATH’s interactive Advocacy Learning Lab model brings together advocates, policymakers, experts, and funders to share learnings on health policy and implementation. The sessions promote applied exchange of learnings and facilitate action planning.
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May 16, 2024Advancing primary health care policies in Kenya and Uganda
May 2, 2024Ratifying the African Medicines Agency Treaty
February 6, 2025Holding parliamentarians accountable for commitments to health
Establishing and nurturing the Kenyan Coalition for Health Research and Development
October 16, 2024Collaborating for sustainable immunization financing in Africa
December 21, 2023A renewed commitment to immunization in the DRC