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2287 Resource s
2287 Resource s
  1. This supply systems and equipment fact sheet describes how PATH, in collaboration with the Solar Electric Light Fund and Sunny Day LLC, advanced energy harvest controls to help health facilities power small devices in areas with limited electricity. Energy harvest controls safely divert previously unused solar energy from solar direct drive refrigerators, used to keep vaccines cool, to devices such as lights and cell phones while prioritizing the safety of vaccines.
    Published: May 2021
    Resource Page
    Fact Sheet
  2. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for oxygen and other respiratory care supplies and equipment around the globe.In response, PATH conducted a biomedical equipment survey in 93 health facilities in the city/province of Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The purpose of this survey was to quantify existing oxygen delivery and production equipment, consumables for administering oxygen therapy, bed capacity, and facility infrastructure characteristics that are relevant to providing respiratory care. The results indicate that proliferation of critical care services, oxygen, and respiratory care equipment as well as oxygen supply systems are very limited in health care facilities in Kinshasa.This report summarizes observations from the collected data and is intended to help global and national stakeholders understand COVID-19 treatment capacity in Kinshasa, DRC.
    Published: April 2021
    Resource Page
  3. Published: April 2021
    Resource Page
  4. Nonfunctional or poorly performing vaccine cold chain equipment (CCE) can put temperature-sensitive vaccines at risk of potency damage. PATH conducted a multicountry assessment of CCE to better understand how and why WHO-prequalified vaccine refrigerators fail to meet WHO PQS temperature performance requirements outside of laboratory testing conditions. This document details the assessment methodology that was used by PATH to gather a comprehensive set of inventory, physical, and functional data on vaccine refrigerators and freezers, including the data fields recorded, the procedure used to collect these data, and the equipment required to do so. This methodology is most suitable for the systematic collection of data from multiple refrigerators when statistical analysis of CCE is of interest. It may also be useful in assessing immediate or root causes of failure, assisting in repair and maintenance, evaluating equipment design and longevity, or other purposes.
    Published: April 2021
    Resource Page
  5. Microarray patch (MAP) technologies can address the need for improved presentations of vaccines and pharmaceuticals. The PATH Center of Excellence for MAP Technology is working to advance MAP development for high priority needs in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). A key element of this work is evaluating global health use cases and understanding potential usability, acceptability, and programmatic fit of MAPs for specific applications and use cases.This report provides a summary of the user and program needs activities for a rabies vaccine MAP and includes feedback from both in-country stakeholders in India and global stakeholders along with recommendations for minimal and optimal product requirements.
    Published: April 2021
    Resource Page
    Presentation, Report