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2287 Resource s
  1. In February 2019, PATH and the US President’s Malaria Initiative, in partnership with Zambia’s National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP), conducted a stakeholder assessment to explore the ways in which stakeholders’ perceptions of malaria elimination had changed (or had not changed) since 2015, when a baseline stakeholder assessment had been conducted. Stakeholders were asked about Zambia’s malaria targets and objectives, as described in the National Malaria Elimination Strategic Plan 2017–2021. Interviews also aimed to capture views around what was needed to accelerate progress towards national targets, as well as opportunities and barriers—technical, financial, and operational—for increasing the prominence of malaria on the national health agenda. The analysis of stakeholder responses is intended to inform future programme evaluation and strategy development to accelerate progress towards the reduction and elimination of the malaria burden in Zambia.
    Published: December 2021
    Resource Page
  2. In February 2019, PATH and the US President’s Malaria Initiative, in partnership with Zambia’s National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP), conducted a stakeholder assessment to explore the ways in which stakeholders’ perceptions of malaria elimination had changed (or had not changed) since 2015, when a baseline stakeholder assessment had been conducted. This report brief summarizes the findings of the assessment.
    Published: December 2021
    Resource Page
  3. The Safeprim study evaluated the operational aspects of the SD Biosensor STANDARD™ G6PD screening test performed in real-life settings of two municipalities in the Brazilian Amazon. In order to provide suitable training for health care professionals with different backgrounds at the primary level of care, job aids were created based on materials available within the G6PD Operational Research Community of Practice hosted by PATH. This way, the essential information on test procedure, treatment choice, and pharmacovigilance of hemolysis could be used in the field after a 4-hour training session.A wall poster (29.7x42 cm), folder (21x29.7 cm), and slide set were used during the trainings, while patient cards (8x20 cm malaria card) containing G6PD and malaria data were provided after screening: a green-colored card for normal G6PD status and red-colored card for G6PD deficient. Such cards could be referenced in future malaria episodes.
    Published: December 2021
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    Training Material
  4. In 2020, the government of Vietnam successfully prevented widespread transmission of the COVID-19 virus in the country, thus avoiding an oxygen shortage crisis, through implementation of an effective prevention strategy. However, the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus caused the number of cases to sharply increase, and cases are starting to rise again as the country enters the new “normal” phase. Therefore, it is crucial to understand Vietnam’s oxygen supply capacity to effectively respond to any challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic or another disease outbreak of a similar scale may bring in the coming months or years.This report examines the state of medical oxygen supply in Vietnam and offers insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the oxygen supply system. In addition, the document provides an overview of medical oxygen consumption in Vietnam before and during the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as recommendations for enhancing equitable oxygen access. Information in this report may be used by local government decision-makers for oxygen planning purposes, as well as other low- and middle-income country decision-makers intending to implement oxygen solutions in their respective countries in the near future.
    Published: December 2021
    Resource Page
  5. In Vietnam, the USAID/PATH Healthy Markets project is engaging pharmacies and e-commerce in the delivery of HIV self-testing, pre-exposure prophylaxis, and other health care products. These partnerships have proved invaluable for maintaining access to essential HIV and primary health care services as the country battles increasingly complex and prolonged waves of COVID-19.
    Published: November 2021
    Resource Page