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2282 Resource s
2282 Resource s
  1. To address the critical challenges of neonatal and maternal mortality, Ghana Health Service and PATH expanded infectious disease screening and treatment among pregnant women through the Integrated Antenatal Care project (2022‒2024). Working mainly at the primary health care level in nearly 70 facilities across 5 districts of Ghana’s Bono East Region, the project built the capacities of health care providers, improved availability of services through antenatal care, and strengthened linkages between primary and referral facilities. The team has integrated screening and treatment for infectious diseases including hepatitis B, urinary tract infections, group B Streptococcus, and sexually transmitted infections. As the project concludes, PATH and Ghana Health Service are working to ensure sustained impact through long-term integration and scale-up of these antenatal care interventions—not only to prevent maternal and neonatal deaths in Ghana, but to also provide a replicable model for other low- and middle-income country settings around the globe.
    Published: May 2024
    Resource Page
    Brief, Fact Sheet
  2. PATH's Living Labs presents this concept booklet—a compilation of solutions geared at increasing demand of HPV, MR2 and Malaria vaccines, as well as understanding zero-dose prevalence in children in select counties in Kenya.
    Published: May 2024
    Resource Page
  3. Subcutaneous DMPA (DMPA-SC) is an innovative injectable contraceptive that can dramatically expand access and choice for women. The Injectables Access Collaborative (AC) provides data-driven technical assistance, coordination, resources, and tools to ensure that women and girls have increased access to DMPA-SC and self-injection as part of an expanded range of contraceptive methods, delivered through informed choice programming. The Access Collaborative is led by PATH in partnership with the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), inSupply Health, Jhpiego, and JSI. For more information, visit the DMPA-SC Resource Library, Injectables Access Collaborative page, or email
    Published: May 2024
    Resource Page
    Brief, Fact Sheet
  4. In October 2023, Kenya witnessed an unprecedented political moment and a sign of commitment towards achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC), when President William Ruto signed into law a series of bills aimed at strengthening the legal basis for health financing and health service provision through strong primary health care systems.These include:The Primary Health Care Act, 2023The Social Health Insurance Act, 2023The Facility Improvement Financing Act, 2023The Digital Health Act, 2023These laws are aimed at reducing disparities in health outcomes and promoting a healthier society by ensuring that all citizens have access to essential health care services in an equitable manner, regardless of their socioeconomic status, gender, ethnicity, or geographical location.This brief provides a summary of the key provisions of these laws, shining a light on commitments by government to improving health policy and financing environment to deliver health for all.
    Published: May 2024
    Resource Page
  5. This slide provides a snapshot of the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine and monoclonal antibody (mAb) technology landscape, in the effort to track the development of RSV vaccine and mAb candidates and provide a summary of the various vaccine approaches being worked on around the world.This snapshot pairs with the RSV and mAb Trial Tracker, which provides publicly available information on clinical trials of RSV candidate vaccines and mAbs intended for prevention.
    Published: April 2024
    Resource Page
    Part of a Series, Infographic, Training Material, Brief