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2282 Resource s
2282 Resource s
  1. Community participation plays a pivotal role in improving the effectiveness and accountability of health systems. PATH is promoting community mobilization through robust community engagement initiatives. This includes institutionalizing community structures such as Jan Arogya Samitis and Mahila Arogya Samitis for participatory governance and collective action. We are also engaging with Resident Welfare Associations for inclusive planning for the non-poor urban population.
    Published: May 2024
    Resource Page
  2. PATH has devised a comprehensive capacity–building initiative for empowering Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) to build resilient urban health systems through effective planning, implementation, and monitoring of public health interventions.Efforts are also underway to address the systematic challenges to enhance urban governance, by developing model city corporations, ensuring better preparedness and resilience of ULBs for effective health care delivery.
    Published: May 2024
    Resource Page
    Training Material, Brief
  3. PATH with support from USAID (through Samagra Project, led by PSI) and Fondation Botnar, is promoting a robust urban health ecosystem and providing quality health care for all across the states of Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, and OdishaPATH provides technical assistance to its intervention states for operationalization of a network of urban primary health care facilities, establishing a continuum of care, strengthening community engagement platforms for decentralized planning and meaningful community participation, enhancing urban governance, and co-designing locally relevant innovative solutions to address the intractable primary health care challenges.Our technical support includes site identification for the establishment of new primary health care facilities in coordination with Urban Local Bodies, planning new infrastructure, training, and capacitating newly recruited primary health care teams, and ensuring the provision of quality services as per the Comprehensive Primary Health Care mandate.Additionally, PATH has developed a menu of options for guiding the operationalization of polyclinics and a cafeteria approach for activating urban Ayushman Arogya Mandirs to deliver an expanded range of services.
    Published: May 2024
    Resource Page
    Training Material, Brief, Fact Sheet, Poster, Report
  4. Every data collection system is prone to errors, resulting from design oversights or human errors during data collection, processing, and transmission.When used routinely, a data quality audit is one of the best measures used to improve data integrity once data has been collected and before it is used for important decisions.This toolkit is intended to provide Data Quality Audit procedures and tools to assist users to:1. Assess the quality of reported data.2. Review the health information system processes that produce the data.3. Develop action plans to improve data management and quality.The toolkit includes the following materials:DQA toolkit overview and user guideModule 1 Data Quality Audit template (Excel)Module 2 DQA data preparation tool (Excel)Module 3 Data Quality Audit results data prep (Excel)Tally sheet sample (Excel)Facility performance assessment questionnaire sample (Word)RDQA orientation agenda sample (Word)Data Quality Audit report template outline (Word)
    Published: May 2024
    Resource Page
    Training Material
  5. The Accelerating Measurable Progress and Leveraging Investments for Postpartum Hemorrhage Impact (AMPLI-PPHI) aims to dramatically reduce maternal mortality and morbidity from postpartum hemorrhage—the leading cause of maternal death worldwide.AMPLI-PPHI consortium brings together Jhpiego, PATH, and the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) to support Ministries of Health and ensure sustainable access to quality-assured drugs.
    Published: May 2024
    Resource Page