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2285 Resource s
2285 Resource s
  1. This factsheet focuses on the development of a low cost, standalone, preassembled device to help babies withrespiratory distress syndrome: the bubble continuous positive airway pressure (bCPAP) kit. This low-cost bCPAP device does not require assembly at the point of care and is designed to provide bCPAP therapy to preterm newborns with respiratory distress syndrome without requiring a power source (i.e., electricity or battery) or medical-grade compressed air.
    Published: May 2022
    Resource Page
    Fact Sheet
  2. This brief summarizes a comprehensive review and assessment of current, published evidence for a single-dose HPV vaccination schedule. The review was undertaken by researchers in the Single-Dose HPV Vaccine Evaluation Consortium.Visit the Single-Dose HPV Vaccine Evaluation Consortium page for additional resources.
    Published: May 2022
    Resource Page
  3. La incidencia del cáncer de mama aumenta constantemente en los países de ingresos bajos y medianos a medida que aumenta la esperanza de vida de las mujeres y los estilos de vida cambian y aumentan los factores de riesgo de cáncer de mama. Al igual que con otras enfermedades, la carga recae más sobre los pobres, los marginados y las mujeres rurales debido al acceso desigual a la detección y el tratamiento. Es bien conocida la importancia de la detección temprana y el tratamiento del cáncer de mama, el costo y el éxito del tratamiento están directamente relacionados con el estadio del cáncer al momento del diagnóstico.
    Published: April 2022
    Resource Page
    Training Material
  4. A navigation service for breast cancer patients looks to decrease the barriers in receiving treatment and assure that medical attention is provided in a timely manner. This is expressed throughout the assistance for users of medical services (patients, survivors, family members, and companions) to help them have easy access to the public health system, deliver an action plan, and overcome the barriers of receiving suitable and quality assistance.
    Published: April 2022
    Resource Page
    Training Material
  5. The incidence of breast cancer is constantly increasing in low- and middle-income countries as the life expectancy of women increases and lifestyles change and increase risk factors for breast cancer. As with other illnesses, the burden falls heavier on the poor, the outcast, and rural women due to unequal access to detection and treatment. The importance of early detection and treatment for breast cancer is well known, the cost and success of the treatment are directly related to the stage of the cancer when diagnosed.
    Published: April 2022
    Resource Page
    Training Material