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2284 Resource s
2284 Resource s
  1. In Kenya’s Kakamega County, citizen-led social accountability projects and data-driven advocacy led by the Kakamega County Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Civil Society Organizations Alliance (MNCH Alliance), with support from PATH, have created a sustainable model for holding local decision-makers accountable and significantly improved health outcomes and quality of care for women and children in the county.
    Published: May 2023
    Resource Page
  2. PATH conducted a series of studies to better understand the public health value of potential Shigella vaccines and help inform decisions by international agencies, funders, vaccine developers, and national policymakers. This report focuses on the results from a market assessment on Shigella vaccines for use in traveler and military populations. It aims to provide a better understanding of the size and specific segments of these markets, as well as an evaluation of the factors that may impact demand and utilization of these vaccines. The traveler and military markets are but one segment of a larger global Shigella vaccine market which has enormous potential to impact global health among children and adults in low- and middle-income countries.
    Published: April 2023
    Resource Page
  3. PATH’s MNCHN Asset Tracker was designed to provide advocates from civil society organizations (CSOs) with an innovative tool for data-driven decision-making. To ensure this new tool reached advocates who could benefit from it, PATH partnered with the Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA) Kenya, a program of the Access to Medicines Platform (ATMP), to disseminate the Asset Tracker to advocates from CSOs working in Kenya’s Lake Region Economic Bloc and train them in its use. As a result, CSO advocates have been better able to access data on MNCHN interventions in Kenya, identify gaps in the provision of services, and target their communications with decision-makers in their counties to achieve health outcomes and improve quality of care.
    Published: March 2023
    Resource Page
  4. PATH’s Asset Tracker project provides information on the status of scale-up of key evidence-based interventions that improve maternal, newborn, and child health, and nutrition (MNCHN) outcomes, and save lives. The MNCHN Asset Tracker dashboards allow users to quickly and efficiently compare different indicators across or within countries. This guide is a how-to for reading, packaging, and presenting data from PATH’s MNCHN Asset Tracker to inform advocacy efforts.
    Published: March 2023
    Resource Page
  5. This project fact sheet provides an overview of work that PATH will be leading to increase tuberculosis (TB) case notification and treatment completion, HIV case-finding, and COVID-19 vaccinations among people in underserved communities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). With funding through Stop TB Partnership’s TB REACH Wave 10 grant program and in partnership with Humana People-to-People/DRC, Everwell Health Solutions, and the Programme National de Lutte contre la Tuberculosis, this project will test an integrated household screening model for TB, HIV, hypertension, and diabetes; co-create and pilot a revamped community directly-observed therapy, short-course (DOTS) adherence model; and introduce 99DOTS (digital TB adherence model) in Haut Katanga province.
    Published: March 2023
    Resource Page
    Fact Sheet