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2282 Resource s
2282 Resource s
  1. PATH helps policymakers and advocates make evidence-based policy and funding decisions to advance health equity. Leveraging PATH’s nearly 50 years of experience developing and delivering health innovations and services for women and children, PATH advocates collect, analyze, package, and use data to inform policies, mobilize resources, engage citizens, and hold decision-makers accountable to help women and children around the world survive and thrive.
    Published: February 2024
    Resource Page
  2. Poor water, sanitation, and hygiene practices contribute to the spread of infections and negative health outcomes in communities and health care settings. Globally, roughly 3.85 billion people use health facilitates that lack basic hand hygiene services, while 1.7 billion people access health facilities that lack basic water services. Achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6)—ensuring access to water and sanitation for all—demands innovative and strategic solutions.One such solution is the Aqua Research STREAM™ Disinfectant Generator (STREAM). The STREAM is an onsite chlorine generator that uses common salt and water to generate liquid chlorine that meets global standards for intermediate–level disinfection of surfaces in health care settings and can be used for treating drinking water.With funding from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation and in collaboration with ministries of health, this learning brief series provides real–world examples and lessons learned from implementing the STREAM in three countries: Ghana, Uganda, and Ethiopia.It describes how PATH, in collaboration with ministries of health, is using the SDG 6 Global Accelerator Framework to introduce and scale up the STREAM on a national level.
    Published: February 2024
    Resource Page
    Part of a Series
  3. Shigella is the leading bacterial cause of childhood diarrhea, and infections can have long-term effects on growth and development. No licensed Shigella vaccines currently exist, but several promising candidates in development could become available in a few years.PATH conducted a series of studies to better understand the public health value of potential Shigella vaccines and help inform decisions by international agencies, funders, vaccine developers, and national policymakers. This included: vaccine impact and cost-effectiveness analyses, demand forecasts for two potential markets, an expert consultation on Shigella-containing combination vaccines, and a feasibility and acceptability study with national stakeholders and healthcare providers in five countries. This brief provides a comprehensive summary of the results.
    Published: February 2024
    Resource Page
  4. PATH helps policymakers and advocates make evidence-based policy and funding decisions to advance health equity. Leveraging PATH's nearly 50 years of experience developing and delivering health innovations and services for women and children, our advocates collect, analyze, package, and use data to inform policies, mobilize resources, engage citizens, and hold decision-makers accountable. This fact sheet details how PATH is driving change at the intersection of advocacy and technical assistance to help women and children around the world survive and thrive.
    Published: January 2024
    Resource Page
    Fact Sheet
  5. Technology updates provide the current product development status of the innovations our medical device and health technology teams are advancing. Each of these one-page documents provide high-level information covering health need, project partners, countries, funders, manufacturers, and the most current product development activities.Technology updates focus on innovations in the areas of vaccine and pharmaceutical formulation, product packaging and delivery, and supply systems and equipment, as well as innovations aimed at improving infant, child, and reproductive health. A few of the technology examples include, The Ellavi Uterine Balloon Tamponade (UBT), the Caya Diaphragm, autodisable (AD) syringes, microarray patches (MAPs), solar energy harvest control (EHC), freeze-preventive vaccine carrier, heat stable oral tablets for diabetes management, and mRNA formulation innovations.
    Published: January 2024
    Resource Page
    Fact Sheet