PATH Program

Medical devices and health technologies

PATH's medical devices and health technologies program leads the vanguard in translating innovative ideas into breakthrough health solutions. We accelerate access to affordable, appropriate health solutions to protect and treat the communities that need them most.

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What we do

Advancing critical health technologies

All too often, existing medical devices and health technologies are inaccessible because they are too expensive or impractical for use in under-resourced health settings. We respond to these challenges by developing and scaling devices and tools with the potential to address the diseases and health issues that disproportionately affect women and children in low-resource settings.


What we do

Our global health impact

Together with our public- and private-sector partners, the Medical Devices and Health Technologies program has investigated hundreds of medical devices, health technologies, and tools and advanced the most promising and appropriate technologies into affordable commercial products for use in country health programs and global health campaigns, reaching billions of people.

See our impact

Meet the team

  1. Pat Lennon

    Acting Program Leader & Portfolio Leader: Supply Systems & Equipment

  2. Emily Jeffers

    Director of Finance and Administration

  3. Dr. Patricia Coffey

    Portfolio Leader: Health Technologies for Women and Children

  4. Courtney Jarrahian

    Global Program Leader

  5. Dr. Manjari Lal

    Portfolio Leader: Formulation Technologies

  6. Steven Diesburg

    Product Development Engineering Lead

  7. Rachel Hammack

    Communications Manager

  8. Dr. Mercy Mvundura

    Technical Advisor Health Economics

  9. Joanie Robertson

    Portfolio Leader: Supply Systems and Equipment

  10. Brian Taliesin

    Global Director, Living Labs, Center of Digital and Data Excellence

  11. Dr. Jessica White

    Evaluation and Research Laboratory Lead

  12. Betsy Wilskie

    Procurement and Supply Technical Assistance Lead

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69 Article s
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    May 30, 2024

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  2. Aminata Gaye, 29, (in pink) explains to Mossan Faye, 21, how to self-inject the contraceptive Sayana® Press at the Dominique Health Center in Pikine, Senegal. PATH/Gabe Bienczycki.
    May 28, 2024

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  3. Aminata Gaye, 29, (left) explains to patient Mossan Faye, 21, how to self-inject the contraceptive Sayana Press in Pikine, Senegal. Mossan enrolled in a PATH-led research study in Senegal on self-injection. PATH/Gabe Bienczycki.
    April 30, 2024

    Ratifying the African Medicines Agency Treaty

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  4. Picture1
    January 5, 2024

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  5. Women at health clinic with children. Photo: PATH/Trevor Snapp
    October 19, 2023

    Advancing innovations in women's health through policy advocacy

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  6. Microarray patches are a groundbreaking, needle-free technology PATH is advancing to increase access to lifesaving vaccines and other essential medicines. Photo: PATH.
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    Swapping needles for patches could improve vaccine equity

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Co-creating solutions

Living Labs

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