Proofreader self-assessment

PATH staff must complete this page prior to the proofreading test

Use the dropdown arrows to access each question. Decide your answer. Check it against the correct answer. Make note of your errors and review those areas of the style guide.

1. Question

What combination of type size and typeface is appropriate for body text in PATH documents?

(a) 10-point Arial

(b) 11-point Times New Roman

(c) 11-point Arial

(d) 12-point Times New Roman

1. Answer

(a) 10-point Arial

To review, see Formatting PATH documents / Body text.

2. Question

Which element is typically NOT part of a long report at PATH?

(a) Cover page

(b) Table of contents

(c) Index

(d) Acknowledgments

2. Answer

(c) An index is typically NOT part of a long report at PATH.

To review, see Elements of a formal document.

3. Question

Which statement is NOT correct?

(a) PATH maintains approved organizational descriptions.

(b) PATH’s legal name is PATH.

(c) It is acceptable to make the logo thinner or wider to fit within a certain area.

(d) PATH’s mission is to advance health equity through innovation and partnerships.

3. Answer

(c) It is acceptable to make the logo thinner or wider to fit within a certain area is NOT correct.

To review, see The PATH brand.

4. Question

Which statement is NOT correct?

(a) Figures should be self-explanatory even if they are discussed in the text.

(b) PATH templates for common types of documents are available on PATH Central.

(c) Photographs used in PATH publications should have credits.

(d) Figure and table titles should have no terminal punctuation.

4. Answer

(d) Figure and table titles should have no terminal punctuation is NOT correct.

To review, see Formatting PATH documents / Figures and tables.

5. Question

Which statement is correct?

(a) PATH publications always list the names of individual authors.

(b) In a bulleted or numbered list, each item except the last should be followed by a semicolon.

(c) In a bulleted or numbered list, each item should begin with a capital letter.

(d) An executive summary is another name for an introduction.

5. Answer

(c) In a bulleted or numbered list, each item should begin with a capital letter.

To review, see Elements of a formal document and Formatting PATH documents.

6. Question

Which sentence follows PATH style for numbers?

(a) We sent fifty 5-mg samples.

(b) The meetings were attended by twenty people.

(c) More than 1500 doses of vaccine were given.

(d) We produced 15 reports in 2006 and five in 2007.

6. Answer

(a) We sent fifty 5-mg samples.

To review, see Numbers and measurements.

7. Question

Which statement is correct?

(a) A table title should be placed below the table.

(b) PATH italicizes genus but not species names.

(c) Table and figure numbering should not repeat digits, thus there should be no Table 1 and Figure 1 in the same document.

(d) Abbreviations used in a table should be spelled out below the table.

7. Answer

(d) Abbreviations used in a table should be spelled out below the table.

To review, see Formatting PATH documents.

8. Question

Which sentence follows PATH style for punctuation?

(a) This was a US Agency for International Development–funded project.

(b) The project expanded to Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia.

(c) Concerns include: safety and efficacy of the vaccines.

(d) PATH has offices in Washington, DC and Seattle.

8. Answer

(a) This was a US Agency for International Development–funded project.

To review, see Punctuation and special characters.

9. Question

Which of the following is NOT acceptable as a credit for a photograph for which PATH holds the copyright?

(a) PATH

(b) PATH/Dave Simpson

(c) Dave Simpson, PATH

(d) Photo: PATH/Dave Simpson.

9. Answer

(c) Dave Simpson, PATH is NOT an acceptable photo credit.

To review, see Formatting PATH documents / Photo credits.

10. Question

Which statement follows PATH style?

(a) Each focus group comprised five–eight participants.

(b) The intervention period was January–June 2021.

(c) The subjects ranged in age from 15 to 24 years.

(d) The temperature varied between 10 and 20°C.

10. Answer

(c) The subjects ranged in age from 15 to 24 years.

To review, see Numbers and measurements / Ranges.

11. Question

Which statement is NOT correct?

(a) PATH style dictates not to hyphenate ly adverbs.

(a) As a general rule, PATH staff should not use ampersands as a space-saving device in narrative text.

(b) PATH style calls for an en dash rather than a hyphen in number ranges.

(d) In PATH documents written in American English, a period (full stop) is usually placed outside closing quotation marks at the end of a sentence.

11. Answer

(d) At the end of a sentence, a period (full stop) is usually placed outside closing quotation marks is NOT correct.

To review, see Punctuation and special characters.

12. Question

Which sentence does NOT follow PATH style for punctuation?

(a) The project focused on malaria, HIV, and drug-resistant tuberculosis.

(b) The meeting occurred at 3 p.m. on January 25, 2023.

(c) The vaccine — the first of its kind — has protected more than 100 million people from deadly and debilitating meningitis A.

(d) There are a number of health care–related issues to consider.

12. Answer

(c) The vaccine — the first of its kind — has protected more than 100 million people from deadly and debilitating meningitis A does NOT follow PATH style for punctuation.

To review, see Punctuation and special characters.

13. Question

Which statement is correct?

(a) If an abbreviation exists, you should automatically use it.

(b) PATH uses the before World Health Organization but not before the abbreviation WHO.

(c) Abbreviations should be used as often as possible to save space.

(d) When making an abbreviation plural, add an apostrophe s; for example, several NGO's.

13. Answer

(b) PATH uses the before World Health Organization but not before the abbreviation WHO.

To review, see Abbreviations.

14. Question

What is the correct way to describe an increase from 25 percent to 50 percent?

(a) A 25 percent increase

(b) A 100 percent increase

(c) A 25 percentage point increase

(d) B and C

14. Answer

(d) B and C

To review, see Numbers and measurements / Percentages.

15. Question

Which sentence does NOT follow PATH style for numbers?

(a) The project was scaled up in year three.

(b) Two-thirds of the children were vaccinated.

(c) Five percent of the population account for 50 percent of the disease burden.

(d) The device maintained temperatures between 0°C and 10°C.

15. Answer

(a) The project was scaled up in year three does NOT follow PATH style.

To review, see Numbers and measurements.

16. Question

Which statement does NOT follow PATH style?

(a) PATH launched the project in May, 2021.

(b) PATH's Epidemic Preparedness and Response department is leading the work.

(c) We held a workshop on June 15, 2021, in Washington, DC.

(d) Representatives from the Ghana and Senegal ministries of health attended.

16. Answer

(a) We launched the project in May, 2021 does NOT follow PATH style.

To review, see Numbers and measurements / Dates; Punctuation and special characters / Comma; and Capitalization / Divisions and departments and Ministry of Health.

17. Question

Which sentence contains an error in word choice?

(a) The effect was significant.

(b) The work to strengthen health systems compliments the work to create new health technologies.

(c) The principal finding was an increase in the quality of care.

(d) We assured the study participants that their privacy would be protected.

17. Answer

(b) The work to strengthen health systems compliments the work to create new health technologies contains an error in word choice.

To review, see Word choice.

18. Question

Which sentence contains a hyphenation error?

(a) This is a public-sector initiative.

(b) The project will be scaled-up in the coming year.

(c) PATH focuses our efforts on low- and middle-income countries.

(d) The follow-up study has been completed.

18. Answer

(b) The project will be scaled-up in the coming year contains a hyphenation error.

To review, see Punctuation and special characters / Hyphen and Spelling.

19. Question

Which sentence contains an error in word choice?

(a) The weather affected the results.

(b) The data is clear.

(c) The document is composed of many parts.

(d) We follow three main principles when developing public-private partnerships.

19. Answer

(b) The data is clear contains an error in word choice.

To review, see Word choice.

20. Question

Which sentence is correct?

(a) The book is entitled AMA Manual of Style.

(b) PATH worked to insure good results.

(c) Fewer than 20 people participated.

(d) The task force is comprised of 12 members.

20. Answer

(c) Fewer than 20 people participated.

To review, see Word choice.

21. Question

Which item illustrates PATH style for title case?

(a) PATH’s Approach To Product Development through Public-private Partnerships

(b) PATH’s Approach to Product Development Through Public-Private Partnerships

(c) PATH’s approach to product development through public-private partnerships

(d) PATH’s Approach to Product Development Through Public-private Partnerships

21. Answer

(b) PATH’s Approach to Product Development Through Public-Private Partnerships

To review, see Capitalization / Title case.

22. Question

Which item demonstrates PATH’s preferred spelling?

(a) Acknowledgement

(b) Policymaking

(c) Life-saving

(d) Decision maker

22. Answer

(b) Policymaking

To review, see Spelling.

23. Question

Which sentence is correct?

(a) The Vietnam ministry of health is based in Hanoi.

(b) Less than 15 people completed the survey.

(c) The project which ended in 2020 was reported in 2021.

(d) All PATH staff are welcome to attend.

23. Answer

(d) All PATH staff are welcome to attend.

To review, see Capitalization / Ministry of Health and Word choice.

24. Question

Which statement is NOT correct in regard to PATH style for reference lists?

(a) Author surnames are followed by initials, without periods (full stops) or spaces between initials.

(b) PATH uses sentence case capitalization for journal article titles with one exception: do not capitalize the first letter following a colon (the beginning of the subtitle) unless it is a proper noun.

(c) Titles of journals or books are italicized and capitalized using title case.

(d) If there are more than six authors, list the first six, followed by et al.

24. Answer

(d) If there are more than six authors, list the first six, followed by et al is NOT correct.

To review, see How to format reference lists.

25. Question

Which term is NOT spelled according to PATH preferences?

(a) Health care

(b) Nonreusable

(c) Pretest

(d) Wellbeing

25. Answer

(d) Wellbeing is NOT correct.

To review, see Spelling.

26. Question

Which statement is correct in regard to document references?

(a) PATH spells out the names of journals in reference lists.

(b) A reference list is the same as a bibliography.

(c) When publishing in a scientific journal, PATH-authored articles should follow PATH’s style for references.

(d) PATH’s preferred method of citing references in the text is to place in parentheses the author’s name followed by the year of publication.

26. Answer

(a) PATH spells out the names of journals in reference lists.

To review, see How to format reference lists and Citing references in text.

27. Question

Which name is presented correctly?

(a) The Ukraine

(b) The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

(c) The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria

(d) Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

27. Answer

(d) Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

To review, see Spelling / U and Partner and funder names / Examples of partner and funder names.

28. Question

Which statement is NOT correct in regard to PATH style for references and reference lists?

(a) In a reference list, the proper order of information for journal articles is author(s) name(s), article title, journal name, year, volume and issue numbers, page numbers.

(b) References to conference presentations should include both the date and location of the conference.

(c) Reference lists should include all sources consulted, whether cited or not.

(d) References to websites should include an accessed date.

28. Answer

(c) Reference lists should include all sources consulted, whether cited or not is NOT correct.

To review, see How to format reference lists.

29. Question

Which statement is NOT correct?

(a) Copyright protection applies to cartoons used in presentations.

(b) PATH staff should verify that PATH has permission to use illustrations, photos, or other materials that are likely to be copyrighted.

(c) PATH may use copyrighted material without paying royalty fees because it is a nonprofit organization working for the public benefit.

(d) There is a standard PATH copyright statement for organizational publications.

29. Answer

(c) PATH may use copyrighted material without paying royalty fees because it is a nonprofit organization working for the public benefit is NOT correct.

To review, see Trademarks and copyright / Use of non-PATH copyrighted material and Elements of a formal document / Inside front cover.