Accelerating HPV vaccine access
From advancing new vaccine candidates to optimizing programmatic impact, PATH is working to accelerate the development, introduction, and uptake of vaccines against human papillomavirus (HPV), the primary cause of cervical cancer.
Since 2018, PATH has coordinated the Single-Dose HPV Vaccine Evaluation Consortium to inform global policy discussions and program guidance. The Consortium’s comprehensive Evidence Review informed the World Health Organization's endorsement of an alternative single-dose schedule, and the group continues to evaluate evidence as it becomes available.
We help policymakers make informed decisions about the best use of their limited resources, providing immunization program cost assessments, country-specific cost-effectiveness analyses, and tools like the HPV vaccine product choice calculator.
As a member of the HPV Vaccine Acceleration Program Partners Initiative (HAPPI) Consortium (led by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc.), we support countries on HPV vaccine decision-making, introduction, acceleration, and sustaining coverage. We also provide targeted technical assistance to countries eligible for vaccine introduction support from Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and to low- and middle-income vaccine manufacturers.
We support low- and middle-income country vaccine manufacturers working toward national licensure and World Health Organization prequalification of their HPV vaccines and advance clinical trials that build evidence and inform policy.