Strengthening people-centered primary health care systems

Related program: Center for Advocacy and Policy

How PATH works with countries to reimagine primary health care through a people-centered, data-driven approach that makes good health accessible for everyone

Primary health care (PHC) is the critical pathway to achieving universal health coverage. Strong PHC is not only essential to accelerating progress toward health for all, but it is also the world’s first and best line of defense against epidemics, pandemics, and health threats like antimicrobial resistance and climate change.

PATH accelerates the development of multidisciplinary, high-performing primary health care services, including advancing effective policy solutions to strengthen PHC systems. By implementing policies that support robust health systems, governments can improve access, quality, and sustainability of PHC, making it a cornerstone for resilient health systems globally.

Our best example of this work comes from Kenya, where we are a trusted partner helping to implement the massive reforms the Kenyan government is undertaking to realize the potential of PHC. PATH has played a pivotal role in rolling out Primary Health Care Networks (PCNs) at the county level, a key initiative to improve access to essential services and advance universal health coverage. By fostering community engagement, encouraging multi-sectoral involvement, and focusing on effective communication, this collaborative effort sets the stage for a healthier Kenya and helps achieve sustainable improvements in public health.

Highlights from our work:
PHC Policy Tracker

The PHC Policy Tracker is a consolidated source of information to equip stakeholders including policymakers, advocates, implementers, and donors with information about existing policies that shape PHC systems.

Approaches to implementing and financing primary health care in Kenya

PATH played a critical role in supporting the Kenya Ministry of Health in the rollout of Primary Health Care Networks (PCNs) at the county level and contributed significantly to the analysis presented in this report.

PATH India's Primary Health Care Strategy

PATH’s Primary Health Care Strategy for India highlights our vision of equitable access to high-performing primary health care for all aspects of reproductive, maternal, child and adolescent health and for the most prevalent communicable, non-communicable and occupational diseases.

Advancing PHC policies in Kenya

With technical leadership and support from PATH, this report from the Ministry of Health explores approaches to implementing and financing PHC services in Kenya.

State of primary health care across six African countries

This report present’s PATH’s Living Labs synthesis of insights including gaps, trends, findings, and recommendations for primary healthcare in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zambia conducted between January and March 2023.