Center for Advocacy and Policy
PATH’s Center for Advocacy and Policy brings health solutions to scale through evidence-based policy and practice change.
We leverage PATH’s technical expertise and deep relationships from country to global levels to design and shape impactful policies, ensure effective implementation, and strengthen the capacities of local advocates along the way.
What we do
How we do it
Policy lab
We generate impactful policy ideas by conducting research, analyzing data, and translating evidence into innovative, compelling policy solutions that are the foundation for effective change.
Advocacy impact accelerator
We drive decision-maker action by developing and executing winning policy-influencing strategies built on solid audience insights and an understanding of how change happens at all levels across diverse geographies.
Field catalyst
We provide connective tissue in our sector by mobilizing key players, strengthening networks of change-makers, and filling critical gaps in systems change efforts to make the sum greater than the constituent parts.
Where we work
With locally staffed projects and deep expertise across a range of health areas, we currently have active advocacy projects in 29 countries across 5 continents:
Africa: Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Zambia
Asia: Afghanistan, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Pakistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Vietnam
Americas: Brazil, Peru, United States
Europe: Belgium, United Kingdom
Resource Hub
The advocacy resource hub is PATH’s central repository for advocacy how-to resources, including our 10-part advocacy strategy development curriculum, data resources for advocates, and a range of featured case studies and other resources documenting our advocacy work and lessons learned from across the globe. The hub is regularly updated with PATH resources to support advocates and policymakers in creating lasting policy change.
Our global team
PATH’s team of advocacy professionals around the world works at all levels with governments, civil society, the private sector, and other development partners to advance policy initiatives that result in better health outcomes for women, children, and families. Our multidisciplinary staff includes public health experts with experience in diverse cultural contexts, as well as business and policy strategists skilled in translating promising ideas into innovative approaches that have a sustainable impact on health equity.
Heather Ignatius
Chief of External Affairs
Bernard Aryeetey
Senior Director, Policy, Advocacy & Influence
Rachel Ndirangu
Regional Director, Advocacy and Public Policy
Kelly Healy
Project Director, Advocacy and Communications
Rosemarie Muganda-Onyando
Global Advisor, Advocacy, Public Policy, and Business Development
Marti Wilson
Finance and Administration Manager
Jenny Blair
Director, US Partnerships
Susan Lin
Regional Policy Lead, Health Research and Development
Wanjiku Manguyu
Regional Advocacy and Policy Advisor
Kristie Mikus
Executive Director, Global Health Technologies Coaltion
Esther Nasikye
Global Immunization & MNCH Advocacy Lead and Uganda Advocacy & Policy Manager, Uganda
Melissa Wanda
Policy & Advocacy Country Lead, Kenya
Fata Acquoi
Senior Congressional Lead
Muyuka Antoinette
Programs Coordinator and Communications Officer
Esther Adhiambo Anyango
Program Coordinator, Advocacy and Public Policy
Sarah Bachar
Senior Program Assistant, Global Health Technologies Coalition
Lindsey Brown
Multilateral Advocacy & Policy Associate
Marissa Chmiola
Deputy Director, Global Health Technologies Coalition
Lindokuhle Dlamini
Senior Communications Officer
Monica Georges
Senior Communications and Advocacy Officer
Ameenah Habib
Communications & Policy Associate
Sharifa Hussein
Program Coordinator
Philip Kenol
Policy and Advocacy Officer, Global Health Technologies Coalition
Joy Kiptim
Regional Advocacy Communications Officer
Alex Long
Policy and Advocacy Officer, Global Health Technologies Coalition
Diketso Mathelemusa
Program Associate
Rebecca Mwima
Program Associate- Advocacy and Public Policy
Claire Nelson
Advocacy and Policy Officer
Pasqueline Njau
Senior Advocacy and Public Policy Officer
Clayton Opiyo
Advocacy and Policy Officer
Helen Owino
Advocacy and Policy Program Officer
Hannah Sachs-Wetstone
Senior Program Assistant, GHTC
Martha Songa
Regional Advocacy and Policy Officer
Kate Sotos
Communications Officer
Faith Wamaitha
Program Assistant