2023 annual report

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From PATH’s Board Chair and President

Friends, supporters, colleagues,

On behalf of the board and our entire global team, thank you for supporting PATH in 2023. Your generosity and partnership made our work and our impact possible—from developing innovative health products to preparing health systems for the threats of climate change. Together, we made good health more affordable and more accessible for people all over the world.

We are thrilled to present to you our 2023 annual report, which offers a glimpse into the breadth and depth of our global impact by detailing 15 of more than 380 current PATH projects—from advancing a groundbreaking new drug formulation to vaccinating millions of children against typhoid, polio, malaria, and other deadly diseases.

We were also delighted to further our collaborations with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Commonwealth Secretariat. Our new partnership agreement with PAHO will see PATH work alongside governments, health programs, and workforces in the Americas to strengthen primary health care and harness the power of digital and data to improve services and outcomes. And, in partnership with the Commonwealth Secretariat, we launched a new accelerator to support the development and scale-up of climate and health innovations.

Photo: PATH President and CEO Nikolaj Gilbert (left) and Pan American Health Organization Director Dr. Jarbas Barbosa moments after signing a new partnership agreement to advance health equity in the Americas.

PATH President and CEO Nikolaj Gilbert (left) and Pan American Health Organization Director Dr. Jarbas Barbosa (right) moments after signing a new partnership agreement to advance health equity in the Americas. Photo: PATH/Charles Wanga.

2023 marked our third year operationalizing the PATH Strategy 2025, a comprehensive plan that focuses our efforts on three locally defined priorities: preparing for and responding to emerging health threats, improving lives with science and technology, and increasing the capacity and resilience of health systems. Over the past year, PATH teams made incredible progress toward these critical goals—and that progress is detailed throughout the pages of this report. Though we made meaningful strides toward health equity, we also faced great challenges—from geopolitical conflicts in Ethiopia, Myanmar, and Ukraine, to resurgences of deadly diseases like polio, malaria, and dengue fever.

As climate change continues to drive urban migration and the spread of infectious diseases, humanity needs a new wave of health care innovations, stronger health systems, and data to support decision-making. We are proudly committed to supporting climate and health efforts around the world, and to harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to help us advance health equity.

Thank you for your ongoing support of PATH and of our mission. We invite you to explore our 2023 annual report, and as you reflect on the achievements, please recognize they are only possible because of you. Your involvement matters. So please, help us spread awareness. Share our impact. Consider donations. Let’s create a world where good health is within reach for everyone.

With gratitude,

Beth Galetti
Chair, Board of Directors

Nikolaj Gilbert
President and CEO

Photos: Beth Galetti, Chair, Board of Directors, and Nikolaj Gilbert, President and CEO

Beth Galetti, Chair, Board of Directors, and Nikolaj Gilbert, President and CEO

PATH Strategy 2025: Year 3

After completing three years of our five-year strategy, we’re proud to share an update on its implementation.

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2023 achievements

In 2023, PATH continued to support country-led initiatives around the world, building on the strengths, capacities, and priorities of governments, ministries of health, and local implementing partners. With an average of 384 active projects each year, these are just a few examples that demonstrate the breadth and depth of our global team’s impact.

2023 financial summary

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Diversity, equity, and inclusion

2023 was a year of curiosity and open conversation, of forming new communities and broadening perspectives. It was also a year of measurable progress.

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Our Board of Directors and Executive Team

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The following list of supporters includes those who gave $1,000 or more in funding to PATH in 2023 through grants, donations, and in-kind contributions. We are deeply grateful to you all for your generous investment and collaboration and your commitment to improving public health.

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Clinical Trial Monitoring

PATH is committed to ensuring that the clinical trials we sponsor, fund, or otherwise support are registered in a publicly available clinical trial registry, in accordance with international standards established by the World Health Organization (WHO) or the ClinicalTrials.gov registry. PATH reports progress toward this commitment annually.

Monitoring results of PATH clinical trials for the period of November 1, 2022, through October 31, 2023, are summarized as follows:

  • 5 clinical trials were initiated and all 5 are registered in a WHO Network primary registry or ClinicalTrials.gov.
  • 6 clinical trials are 12 months past primary study completion and all 6 have summary results submitted to a clinical trial registry.
  • 4 clinical trials are 24 months past study completion and all 4 have published manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals.
Download the 2023 annual report