Supporting country-owned initiatives to strengthen systems and deliver better health.
Since 2005, PATH has collaborated with the government of Tanzania to improve public health and save lives through the development, support, and scale-up of innovative approaches and technologies that improve health outcomes and strengthen health systems.
Table of Contents
A trusted government partner
We’ve been working side by side with the government of Tanzania since 2005. Our team of more than 50 Tanzanian nationals directly supports the Ministry of Health and various government entities in 13 regions in Tanzania mainland and in Zanzibar.
Leveraging local expertise
Our close collaborations with Ministry of Health and the President’s Office of Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG) allow us to maximize local expertise in noncommunicable diseases, malaria, and tuberculosis.
Digital health transformation
PATH is advancing digital transformation in Tanzania through multisector partnerships, innovative tools, and powerful data and analytics capabilities. Together with health workers, we’ve strengthened immunization efforts and advanced essential health services.
Informed by vast experience working with the Tanzanian Government, PATH helps to develop, support, and scale up innovative approaches in digital health, primary health care, epidemic preparedness and response, noncommunicable diseases such as hypertension and diabetes and infectious diseases such as HIV, TB, and malaria. Specific examples include the Better Immunization Data (BID) Initiative, which saves community health workers more than 112,000 hours every year, and the Data Use Partnership (DUP), which has accelerated Tanzania’s digital health transformation by supporting the country’s Digital Health Strategy 2019–2024 and establishment of its Center of Digital Health.
PATH provides technical support to train health workers and aid in the development of strong and resilient public health systems that can meet the needs of diverse populations and prevent, detect, and respond to intersectional challenges like infectious disease outbreaks, noncommunicable diseases, and climate change. Specific examples include the Infectious Disease Detection and Surveillance project, which has built national and subnational diagnostic and surveillance systems to identify and report antimicrobial resistance; the PATH-led the global COVID-19 Respiratory Care Response Coordination project, which in Tanzania developed respiratory care guidelines and trained 877 health workers across 117 facilities; and the USAID-funded Boresha Afya project, which provided technical assistance to 1,817 health facilities across mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar and integrated malaria diagnosis and treatment into HIV care at 223 facilities.
Through collaborations with the Ministry of Health and the President’s Office of Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG), PATH helps the Government of Tanzania design, test, and implement people-centered solutions - including integrated models of service delivery that enhance health system capacity and better meet the needs of local communities by increasing access and choice. Specific examples include the Unitaid-funded Tools for the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness project, which is increasing access to lifesaving tools like pulse oximetry and aiding COVID-19 response, and the Diabetes CarePak project, which is taking a human-centered design approach in developing a bundle of products, educational materials, and consumables that will be included alongside insulin and oral diabetes medications.
Our office
Our office is in Dar es Salaam.
Oasis Office Park, 3rd Floor
Off Haile Selassie Rd
Oyster Bay
Dar es Salaam
Mailing address
PO Box 13600
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Phone: 255.682.059.624
Meet our team
Amos Mugisha
Country Director, Tanzania
John Gamaliel
Technical Director of Programs
Seif Rashid
Project Direct, DUP
Siril Kullaya
Project Director, IDDS
Partner with us
Strategic partnerships are at the core of what we do. Want to work, invest, or collaborate with PATH Tanzania?