United Kingdom
As a trusted partner to governments, multilateral organizations, the private sector, and foundations for nearly 50 years, PATH has built enduring partnerships across the United Kingdom.
PATH’s office in central London opened in 2021. The office includes staff and leaders from across PATH’s global and regional teams, such as the Asia, Middle East, and Europe Region and Product Development divisions as well as the Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases and Digital Square departments.
Our latest
Partnerships for health equity
PATH leverages its influence in the United Kingdom and beyond to build impactful partnerships that advance lifesaving health policies and solutions. With these efforts, PATH aims to strengthen health systems worldwide.
One Health approach
PATH's One Health approach acknowledges the inextricable linkages between human, animal, and environmental health. We address antimicrobial resistance, zoonotic diseases, epidemic and pandemic preparedness, and more, striving to strengthen health systems while supporting biodiversity.
In partnership with the Commonwealth, PATH is rallying global leaders for The One Health approach in climate battle. Learn more.
Where we are
Our London office
The Clubhouse, 8 St James’s Square
London, England SW1Y 4JU
Phone: (+41) 22 747 10 40
Meet the team
Chief of Asia, Middle East, Europe (AMEE) Region
Chief Scientific Officer, PATH
Chief AI Officer
Director, Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases
Director of Strategic Initiatives
Senior Director, Policy, Advocacy & Influence
Global South Partnerships Liaison, AMEE
Senior Communications Manager, Reproductive Health
Research and Partnership Coordinator, AMEE
Partner with PATH
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