
  1. Since 1980, PATH has been working alongside leaders, communities, and local change makers to develop sustainable systems for tackling shifting health challenges in Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, Cambodia, and the Philippines.
    Published: September 2022
    Resource Page
  2. Since 1980, PATH has been working alongside leaders, communities, and local change makers to develop sustainable systems for tackling shifting health challenges in Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, Cambodia, and the Philippines.
    Published: September 2022
    Resource Page
  3. Since 1980, PATH has been working alongside leaders, communities, and local change makers to develop sustainable systems for tackling shifting health challenges in five Southeast Asian countries. This brochure provides a synopsis of PATH's work and strategy in the region.
    Published: September 2022
    Resource Page
  4. The Prospective Country Evaluation (PCE) is an embedded mixed-methods evaluation platform designed to examine the Global Fund business model, investments, and contribution to disease program outcomes and impact in eight countries. The PCE generates timely evidence to support program improvements and accelerate progress towards the objectives of the Global Fund 2017-2022 Strategy.This report presents findings synthesized across the eight PCE countries in 2020 presenting a comprehensive look at the Global Fund grant cycle. The PCE assessed how business model factors have facilitated or hindered the achievement of objectives during implementation of grants approved during the 2017-19 funding cycle, including around Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health (RSSH), sustainability and equity, and whether lessons learned during current grants have informed the next funding cycle. The objective of this grant cycle analysis was to understand what, when, why, and how grant investments change over time, including significant factors that influenced the implementation of and changes to the original grant.
    Published: February 2021
    Resource Page
  5. This brief summarizes the experience and capabilities of the PATH Cervical Cancer Team. For decades, PATH has been at the forefront of evidence-based strategies from HPV vaccine research and delivery to cervical cancer screening and treatment to ensure we best meet the needs and realities of these countries for the greatest health impact.
    Published: June 2020
    Resource Page
  6. While most people with COVID-19 develop only mild or moderate respiratory tract disease, approximately 20 percent develop severe or critical disease that requires oxygen therapy to support breathing. In many health facilities across low- and middle-income countries, however, oxygen therapy—including diagnosis, generation, and delivery equipment—is not reliably available.Many of the tools and capabilities needed to overcome these barriers already exist across different global health and implementing organizations, manufacturers and suppliers, and country governments. To ensure that those who need respiratory care support due to COVID-19, or beyond, receive it, immediate steps are necessary to coordinate the global response that prioritizes reliable access to oxygen.This fact sheet offers an overview of the project to support countries in planning and executing a respiratory care plan to meet the demands of COVID-19, as well as pursue strategies to help prioritize and improve access to oxygen therapy and other essential equipment involved in respiratory care as an integral part of health systems strengthening, beyond the pandemic response.
    Published: May 2020
    Resource Page
    Fact Sheet
  7. The Prospective Country Evaluation (PCE) is an embedded mixed-methods evaluation platform designed to examine the Global Fund business model, investments, and contribution to disease program outcomes and impact in eight countries. The PCE generates timely evidence to support program improvements and accelerate progress towards the objectives of the Global Fund 2017-2022 Strategy.This report presents findings synthesized across the eight PCE countries in 2019 with a focus on evaluating progress and analyzing impact of grants funded through the 2017-2019 allocation and implemented during 2018-2019. Findings were structured around three out of the four Global Fund strategic objectives (SOs): grant implementation and contribution to disease impact (SO1); grant contribution to national Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health outcomes (SO2); and grant contribution to national program key population, human rights, and gender-related outcomes (SO3).
    Published: February 2020
    Resource Page
  8. Over nearly 20 years, the partnerships forged through efforts to introduce JE vaccination have had an impact that goes beyond JE in the Asian and Western Pacific regions. Not only did these partnerships result in more than 300 million children being protected from JE, they also strengthened health systems across multiple countries.So, what factors led to the project’s success? How can partners use the JE project experience to inform current and future efforts to take on other health challenges? PATH and its partners have compiled five key lessons learned that they hope will inform, challenge, and inspire ongoing efforts against JE, as well as other vaccination projects, to ensure impact and sustainability.
    Published: February 2020
    Resource Page
  9. This fact sheet provides an overview of PATH's Japanese encephalitis (JE) vaccine project, which supports the introduction of JE vaccine in endemic countries. In the past 15 years, PATH and its partners have helped immunize more than 300 million children against JE through the project.
    Published: September 2018
    Resource Page
    Fact Sheet
  10. Low-cost, simple, point-of-care blood tests for G6PD enzyme deficiency are a key part of Plasmodium vivax malaria treatment, and a step towards eliminating malaria overall
    Published: August 2018