Strengthening health systems through partnerships and innovation.
Partner to local changemakers
In Bangladesh, PATH is forging local partnerships for innovative, agile health systems. As a trusted partner to both government and nongovernmental organizations, PATH’s partnerships in Bangladesh support local efforts to advance health equity across the country.
Fostering tech and innovation
Digital health, cutting-edge technology, and innovation are hallmarks of PATH’s approach to health equity in Bangladesh—from leveraging better data to inform immunization strategies to accelerating technology and innovation for preventing noncommunicable diseases.
With innovative approaches to vaccine development and delivery, PATH is increasing immunization coverage in Bangladesh. PATH partnered with Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and icddr,b to introduce and scale polio, pneumococcal, and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines. To ensure efficiency, PATH evaluated school-based HPV vaccination programs to assess impact. PATH has also supported immunization against Japanese encephalitis in Bangladesh since 2003.
Strengthening family health means advancing newborn care, improving nutrition, and promoting sexual and reproductive health care for women and girls. PATH’s work in South Asia includes expanding access to contraceptives and ensuring safe pregnancy and delivery. In Bangladesh, PATH supports nutrition-specific programs, from expanding the evidence base on the causes of undernutrition to increasing capacity for nutrition technical assistance.
PATH partners with local organizations to develop tools for eliminating infectious diseases such as HIV and tuberculosis (TB). PATH supported Bangladesh’s National Tuberculosis Control Programme in its efforts to provide universal access to high-quality TB prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. PATH focused on innovative, evidence-based solutions for strengthening TB case notification and treatment adherence.
PATH is playing a pivotal role in the movement to stamp out neglected tropical diseases—implementing innovative solutions, strengthening surveillance, and training health care workers to prevent and treat these diseases. In Bangladesh, PATH developed new diagnostic tools for kala-azar, also known as visceral leishmaniasis, and is working to map and treat lymphatic filariasis in 19 endemic districts in the country.
From primary health care to digital health, PATH has deep expertise in health system strengthening throughout South Asia. In Bangladesh, PATH has supported epidemic preparedness and pandemic response. For instance, PATH is working with icddr,b, with support from Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and the Asian Development Bank, to strengthen COVID-19 vaccine readiness efforts.
Neeraj Jain
Country Director, India, and Hub Director, South Asia
Kamran Mehedi
Senior Program Officer
Muhibul Kashem
Senior Technical Officer – Immunization, CVIA Policy, Access, and Introduction Functional Area

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