Supporting country-owned initiatives to strengthen systems and deliver better health.
For nearly two decades, PATH has leveraged evidence-based technical expertise, deep and diverse partnerships, and a unique ability to drive crosscutting health solutions to advance health equity in Zambia. Working in collaboration with the government of Zambia, PATH helps develop, support, and scale up innovative approaches and technologies to address the country’s most pressing health priorities, improving public health and saving lives.
Table of Contents
Advancing innovative solutions
Since 2005, PATH has used innovation, data, and collaboration to support the Government of Zambia in tackling elimination of endemic malaria and tuberculosis, improvements in digital health and data, uptake of immunizations, improvements in maternal and child health and nutrition, and more.
Growing health system capacity
PATH provides technical support to test innovative solutions, train health workers, and aid in the development of strong and resilient public health systems that can meet the needs of diverse populations and prevent, detect, and respond to intersectional health challenges.
Driving impact with advocacy
Through collaborations with the Ministry of Health, local organizations, and communities, PATH works with the Government of Zambia to design, introduce, implement, and scale up service innovations that will expand access to person-centered primary health care.
PATH uses innovation, data, and collaboration to support the Government of Zambia in its efforts to fight endemic malaria from every angle. We help develop new tools and strategies, strengthen surveillance systems and clinical capacity, improve the flow of high-quality data, and scale interventions that work. Our recent efforts include the NOMADS 2 project to integrate nanopore sequencing into routine malaria surveillance; conducting product research on a novel vector control tool called Attractive Targeted Sugar Baits; expanding access to health care services by training over 4,000 community health workers with funding from the US President’s Malaria Initiative; and through the Malaria Control and Evaluation Partnership in Africa project driving tailored interventions through the use of real-time data in decision-making.
PATH provides technical support to aid in the development of strong and resilient public health systems that can meet the needs of diverse populations equitably and prevent, detect, and respond to intersectional health challenges. To meet the increased demands on the health system as a result of COVID-19, PATH provided technical and logistical assistance to the Ministry of Health in coordinating activities to improve and sustain long-term reliable access to oxygen and respiratory care; procured 1,800 oxygen cylinders, patient monitoring devices, and oxygen delivery equipment; supported vaccine rollout in two provinces; and improved laboratory surveillance on COVID-19 infections through genomic sequencing.
Strong systems create and sustain health, which is why we work with governments, local organizations, communities, and users to develop sustainable systems to address shifting health challenges and expand access to person-centered primary health care in Zambia. Recent and ongoing examples of our work include using human-centered program design principles through PATH’s Living Labs project to improve immunization worker motivation and engagement and develop innovative approaches to integrate family planning services during routine child immunization and supporting the initial introduction of subcutaneous depo medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA-SC) self-injection in 200 private pharmacies to inform future scale-up as part of the DMPA-SC Access Collaborative.
Our office
We're located in Lusaka, Zambia.
Our address:
Mikwala House
Stand 11059, off Brentwood Lane
Lusaka, Zambia
Phone: 260.211.378.950
Fax: 260. 211.378.973
Meet our team
Dr. Earnest Muyunda
Country Director
Dr. Ameck Kamanga
Deputy Country Director
Dr. Joseph Kayaya
Lead Product Manager, Living Labs Zambia
Dr. Caroline Phiri-Chibawe
Deputy Senior Technical Director, REACH Malaria
Dr. Chilunga Puta
Senior Immunization Data Advisor
Mrs. Monica Mutesa
Country Coordinator, DMPA-SC Access collaborative project
Mr. Benjamin Solochi
Surveillance and Antimicrobial Resistance Specialist, Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Project
Dr. John Miller
MACPEA Project Director
Mrs. Mandy Dube
Project Director, Zambia Digital Community Health
Mr. Kafula Silumbe
MACEPA Zambia Team Lead
Chabu Kangale
Chief of Party, PAMO Plus
Mrs. Mulenga Mwenda-Chimfwembe
NOMADS Team Lead
Partner with us.
Community-focused priorities and respectful partnerships are at the core of what we do in Zambia. Get in touch to collaborate, invest, or partner with us today.