
Our online catalog indexes publications, presentations, and related resources for peers in our field.

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2282 Resource s
2282 Resource s
  1. This presentation given by Dr. Aminu Garba, CEO of Africa Health Budget network goes into detail about tools used to track MNCH financial and nonfinancial commitments. It also discussed how accountability can be tracked by a scorecard, which is a performance measurement tool that tracks indicators to assess the progress towards goals and objectives.
    Published: June 2024
    Resource Page
  2. This presentation was created by Ilze Kalnina, the Partner Engagement and Global Events Lead at the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (PMNCH), and discusses how country efforts will be assessed by focusing on ensuring that there are better policies in place and to improve access to services by introducing the Collaborative Advocacy Action Plans Initiative (CAAP).
    Published: June 2024
    Resource Page
  3. The presentation was given by Wanjiku Manguyu, a Regional Advocacy and Policy Advisor at PATH, and provides guidance for advocates and decision-makers on policy implementation.
    Published: June 2024
    Resource Page
  4. Part 1 of "Tools for advancing maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) advocacy and accountability from subnational to global levels," the second in our Africa regional MNCH advocacy dialogues series, was held on June 27, 2024, featuring a moderated discussion with panelists from PATH, Africa Health Budget Network, and the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (PMNCH). The resources below include a recording of the webinar and the presentations delivered by the panelists.
    Published: June 2024
    Resource Page
    Presentation, Video
  5. This PATH annual report features our financial overview, an update on our institutional strategy, a list of our funders and supporters, and our accomplishments in 2023.
    Published: June 2024
    Resource Page