PATH Program

Gender equity in health

Where gender inequities persist, health inequity persists. PATH works to strengthen health equity through increased access to gender-responsive health services and innovations.


Analyzing gender barriers

Addressing the gender dimensions of global health challenges means first understanding them fully, informed by the individuals, communities, and institutions where we work. PATH teams use gender analysis, the gender assessment of health policies, and sex-disaggregated data to help identify gaps and find solutions.

Gender equitable solutions

PATH brings a critical, gender lens to developing and implementing health solutions. With decades of expertise, we consider the gendered aspects of how health innovations and services are designed, tested, and launched, to create and scale solutions that meet the needs of all people, regardless of their sex, gender identity, or gender expression.

Monitoring progress

Using quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis, with a special focus on disaggregated gender data, PATH analyzes gender-related barriers to health and monitors progress toward gender equity.

Partner & Invest

We turn your investment into better health for people everywhere. For more than 40 years, individuals, corporations, and global development institutions have turned to PATH for world-changing health innovations.

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Our Partners:



  • BMGF


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