Washington COVID-19 Biorepository
A global resource for the development and validation of COVID-19 diagnostics.
Access to specimen panels and essential reagents has been noted as one of the key challenges in developing quality diagnostics, particularly during epidemics. This has historically delayed the development and evaluation of critical diagnostic technologies leading to poor detection and control of disease, poor patient outcomes, and increased disease morbidity and mortality. To support and accelerate the development and validation of quality in-vitro diagnostics for COVID-19, PATH has created a biorepository of COVID-19 clinical specimens. This includes clinical samples of nasal eluate, tongue swabs, serum, and plasma. These de-identified clinical samples were collected during active community transmission as part of routine clinical care. Individuals were confirmed with a clinical diagnosis of COVID-19 after being tested with an RNA COVID-19 diagnostic test. Limited samples are also available from a longitudinal cohort. The team is also working to generate contrived spiked samples with an inactivated virus to support early R&D efforts for nucleic acid and antigen detection assays.
Click here to inquire about accessing the Washington COVID-19 Biorepository.
Click here for information about the SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Protein Panel
This biorepository is designed to be globally accessible to diagnostic developers with priority given to groups demonstrating commercial efforts to support low-and middle-income countries in their effort to respond and control COVID-19. Due to the unique and limited nature of some of these samples, requests will be reviewed by a governance committee to ensure scientific, ethical, and mission alignment to prioritize use for tests intended for global markets that can be manufactured at scale.
For more information, visit PATH's diagnostics program or email specimenrepository@path.org.

Updated 2/20/23
The Washington COVID-19 Biorepository is developed, by PATH through support from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and in collaboration with United Health Group and Everett Clinic, University of Washington Department of Global Health & Department of Microbiology, WA Public Health Laboratories, Bloodworks NW, and Fidalab. Safety planning, risk mitigation, as well as scientific, ethical, and legal governance are managed by PATH.