A newsletter on HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening and treatment.
In HPVflash, PATH provides updates on progress in the field, new literature, events, and partnerships in an effort to eliminate cervical cancer.
Past issues
- Join PATH at IPVC 2024!
- New HPV vaccine from Zerun Bio receives WHO prequalification
- WHO adds Cecolin for single-dose use
- Immunization report highlights global HPV vaccine coverage increase
- New literature, resources, and events
- Cervical Cancer Elimination Forum catalyzes new commitments and funding
- Exploring HPV vaccine cost-effectiveness in LMICs
- Newest evidence on single-dose HPV vaccination
- Cecolin Phase 3 interim results demonstrate safety and immunogenicity
- HPV vaccine cost of delivery results available for the Philippines
- New literature, resources, and events
- Evaluating the costs and operational context of ongoing HPV vaccination program
- Bangladesh takes major step to reduce cervical cancer deaths
- New HPV vaccine cost-effectiveness analyses available
- Celebrating Cervical Cancer Elimination Day
- New literature, resources, and events
- Momentum for HPV interventions at World Health Assembly
- Single-dose HPV vaccine study achieves new milestone
- New article examines importance of lifesaving HPV vaccination
- Q&A with Anne Schuind
- Recent press, literature, and resources
- Upcoming events
- Updated World Health Organization position paper on HPV vaccine schedule includes single-dose recommendation
- Translations now available for HPV Single-Dose Consortium resources
- New consortium aims to accelerate global coverage of HPV vaccination
- New Cervical Precancer Planning Tool aids in screening and treatment decisions
- New literature and resources
- Upcoming events
- Experts share the evidence and public health impact of single-dose HPV vaccination
- Recent HPV vaccine cost-effectiveness analyses available
- Article for teens examines HPV vaccine cost effectiveness
- Countries continue introducing HPV vaccine
- HPV vaccine cost calculator now available in French and Spanish
- Events, new literature, and resources
- New study and research on HPV vaccines
- World Health Organization launches cervical cancer elimination strategy
- HPV experts on the public health impact of single-dose HPV vaccination
- Parting shot
- Events, new literature, and resources
- Our commitment to women’s sexual and reproductive health during the COVID-19 emergency
- Cervical precancer planning tool
- Integration of cervical cancer prevention and family planning services
- New literature
- World Health Organization guidelines for thermal ablation for treating precancerous cervical lesions
- Pilot phase of trial for thermal ablation vs. cryotherapy or loop excision
- HPV vaccine introduced in Kenya and The Gambia
- IPVC 2020 in Barcelona
- New literature