Opportunities and Barriers for Accelerating Malaria Elimination in Zambia: A Qualitative Assessment of Stakeholder Perspectives

In February 2019, PATH and the US President’s Malaria Initiative, in partnership with Zambia’s National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP), conducted a stakeholder assessment to explore the ways in which stakeholders’ perceptions of malaria elimination had changed (or had not changed) since 2015, when a baseline stakeholder assessment had been conducted. Stakeholders were asked about Zambia’s malaria targets and objectives, as described in the National Malaria Elimination Strategic Plan 2017–2021. Interviews also aimed to capture views around what was needed to accelerate progress towards national targets, as well as opportunities and barriers—technical, financial, and operational—for increasing the prominence of malaria on the national health agenda. The analysis of stakeholder responses is intended to inform future programme evaluation and strategy development to accelerate progress towards the reduction and elimination of the malaria burden in Zambia.

Publication date: December 2021

Opportunities and Barriers for Accelerating Malaria Elimination in Zambia: A Qualitative Assessment of Stakeholder Perspectives

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