Updated analysis of digital aspects within approved COVID–19 vaccine deployment proposals

Building on prior analytic and review efforts, this 2023 updated proposal review supported by UNICEF, aims to analyze if and how digital aspects have been included in COVID–19 funding requests for vaccine deployment. The following presentation explores these questions, including the study approach involving key activities.

Additionally, the workbook provides details on the methodological approach and categorization/analysis of all examined proposals included in this UNICEF–supported analysis effort. This workbook informed the analysis and recommendations found in the accompanying slide presentation.

A related publication to this study is also available in The Lancet Digital Health.

Publication date: September 2023

Available materials

  1. English

    1. Updated analysis of digital aspects within approved COVID–9 vaccine deployment proposals 625.7 KB PDF
    2. Workbook: Updated analysis of digital aspects within approved COVID-19 vaccine deployment proposals 505.1 KB XLSX
  2. English

    1. Publication in The Lancet Digital Health: Digital health funding for COVID–19 vaccine deployment across four major donor agencies