TIMCI technical brief

Between 2019 and 2024, the Tools for Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (TIMCI) initiative worked in collaboration with the governments of India, Kenya, Senegal, and Tanzania to improve access to critical tools (pulse oximetry and clinical decision support algorithms) that help health care providers identify and appropriately manage children who are severely ill.

This work included large-scale, multi-country, mixed-method evaluation conducted to address evidence gaps and inform national and international decision-making on scale-up of these devices: a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial in India and Tanzania, quasi-experimental pre-post studies in Kenya and Senegal, and complementary sub-studies.

This technical brief summarizes cross-country results, interpretations, as well as key takeaways from the TIMCI studies.

Publication date: May 2024

Available materials

  1. English

    1. TIMCI technical brief 400.1 KB PDF
  2. French

    1. Note technique TIMCI 453.2 KB PDF