Technologies beyond borders: Innovations for noncommunicable diseases and mental health

Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), including mental health conditions, present a significant challenge to public health and economies globally. The impact of NCDs and mental health conditions is particularly pronounced in the Asia–Pacific region, with a disproportionate burden on low– and middle–income countries.

Through a joint effort, PATH and Asian Development Bank aim to drive the adoption of innovative technologies to elevate the management of NCDs and mental health at the primary care level.

Together, we launched the ‘Technologies Beyond Borders’ innovations challenge to identify two well–suited innovations for implementation in primary health care settings, to enhance person–centered, high–quality care for NCDs and mental health. These selected technologies will receive support for feasibility assessment and preparation for deployment in primary health care facilities within the targeted Developing Member Countries in the Asian Development Bank portfolio, specifically Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam and Uzbekistan.

This compendium is a collection of promising innovations that emerged from the challenge, demonstrating great potential to make a significant impact on public health systems in low– and middle–income countries in the coming years.

Publication date: July 2024

Compendium of innovations for noncommunicable diseases and mental health

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