Strengthening community voices in support of women and children in Kakamega County

Since 2016, PATH has supported the Kakamega County Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Civil Society Organizations Alliance (MNCH CSO Alliance) to advocate with local policymakers to advance the health of women and children in Kakamega.

With Kenya’s devolved system of government bringing power and decision-making closer to the people, PATH recognized an opportunity to enable local partners to lead advocacy efforts and demand accountability from their own governments. Beginning in 2019, we took steps to transition leadership of the Alliance to a locally led organization that continues to lead the group today.

Over the past several years, the Alliance has been instrumental in strengthening the MNCH policy landscape in the county. This brief details how PATH worked with the Alliance to strengthen their capacity to conduct key advocacy activities that have resulted in tangible improvements to the health system.

Publication date: July 2024

Strengthening community voices in support of women and children in Kakamega County

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