PMI VectorLink Case Study: Net gains for Mali: Using data to guide insecticide-treated net prioritization

Working across 24 countries in sub-Saharan Africa as well as Cambodia and Colombia, the PMI VectorLink Project is working with national malaria programs to plan and implement safe, cost-effective, and sustainable IRS, ITN, and other life-saving malaria vector control interventions with the overall goal of reducing the burden of malaria.

PMI VectorLink works with national malaria programs to compile, analyze, and visualize relevant existing data to guide vector control decisions and strategies. National program and partner datasets are integrated for review and analysis, including entomological, epidemiological, intervention coverage, and climatological data. PMI VectorLink addresses barriers to using existing data through dashboards that make relevant data more easily accessible, digestible, timely, and action-oriented.

In Mali, through a PATH-led integrated data analytics and visualization activity, PMI VectorLink is supporting vector control decisions regarding which type, how many, and where insecticide-treated nets should be deployed to reduce malaria case incidence and combat insecticide resistance.

The PMI VectorLink project is being led by Abt Associates in partnership with Population Services International and PATH along with the support of Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Malaria Consortium, Innovative Vector Control Consortium, McKinsey & Company, Inc., EnCompass LLC, BAO Systems LLC, Digital Globe, and Dimagi, Inc.

Publication date: March 2021

Net gains for Mali: Using data to guide insecticide-treated net prioritization

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