Monitoring the Introduction of Subcutaneous DMPA

From 2014 to 2016, PATH coordinated pilot introduction of the injectable contraceptive subcutaneous DMPA (DMPA-SC, brand name Sayana® Press) in Burkina Faso, Niger, Senegal, and Uganda. These materials feature guidance for monitoring DMPA-SC introductions, monitoring results, and lessons learned, which can help inform contraceptive introduction programming for DMPA-SC and other methods. For more information, visit DMPA-SC: Expanding contraceptive access and options or email

Publication date: March 2018

Available materials

  1. English

    1. Monitoring the Introduction of Subcutaneous DMPA (DMPA-SC): Final Pilot Project Results - PDF

      Hard copies are available.

    2. Global Monitoring Guide for the Introduction of Subcutaneous DMPA (DMPA-SC) - PDF

      Hard copies are available.

  2. French

    1. Monitoring the Introduction of Subcutaneous DMPA (DMPA-SC): Final Pilot Project Results [French] - PDF

      Hard copies are available.

    2. Global Monitoring Guide for the Introduction of Subcutaneous DMPA (DMPA-SC) [French] - PDF

      Hard copies are available.