MACEPA technical brief: Improving malaria data visualization, analysis and use

A robust malaria surveillance system is the backbone of malaria control and elimination. Data visualization, analysis and use are critical to better understanding the data produced by malaria surveillance systems, assessing and communicating their implications for national malaria programs, and leveraging data and learnings to inform decision-making on implementation of malaria interventions.

PATH's Malaria Control and Elimination Partnership in Africa (MACEPA) works with national malaria programs and district health teams to generate high-quality, actionable data products through functional surveillance systems, and increase data use for timely decision making.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MoH), PATH MACEPA in partnership with Bluesquare developed and facilitated the development and rollout of a national malaria intelligence platform to guide and inform malaria decision making in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

An overview of the process, challenges faced, lessons learned, and recommendations are documented and described in this technical brief.

Publication date: September 2024

Improving malaria data visualization, analysis and use

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