Kenya: Accelerating toward Malaria Elimination—Stakeholder Perspectives

This report presents the challenges and opportunities—technical, financial, and operational—to accelerating Kenya’s progress toward national reduction targets as identified in a 2014 stakeholder analysis conducted by the PATH Malaria Control and Elimination Partnership in Africa (MACEPA). The analysis assessed the perceptions of key stakeholders in malaria policy and implementation decision-making around what respondents felt was needed to accelerate progress toward Kenya’s national malaria reduction targets, opportunities and barriers to increasing the prominence of malaria on the national health agenda, and readiness to introduce and scale new tools and approaches to accelerate efforts against malaria. The analysis findings are intended to inform policies and program strategies to further the reduction and elimination of the malaria burden in Kenya.

Publication date: June 2015

Kenya: Accelerating toward Malaria Elimination—Stakeholder Perspectives

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