DMPA-SC Resource Library

The DMPA-SC Resource Library has been developed to provide comprehensive information on the self-injectable contraceptive subcutaneous DMPA (DMPA-SC, brand name Sayana® Press). The site features evidence, country introduction experiences, service delivery and advocacy tools, and more for global- and country-level family planning implementers and decision-makers.

It is hosted by the Injectables Access Collaborative, an initiative led by PATH in partnership with the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), inSupply Health, Jhpiego, and JSI. The Access Collaborative provides data-driven technical assistance, coordination, resources, and tools to ensure that women and girls have increased access to DMPA-SC and self-injection as part of an expanded range of contraceptive methods, delivered through informed choice programming.

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Publication date: February 2021

DMPA-SC Resource Library website

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