Prevention, management, and control of infection in pregnant women during antenatal care
Integrated antenatal care eLearning course
To address the critical challenges of neonatal and maternal mortality, Ghana Health Service and PATH expanded infectious disease screening and treatment among pregnant women through the Integrated Antenatal Care project (2022‒2024).
One key output of this project is an eLearning course designed to build health care providers' capacity to improve the overall quality of care, including diagnosis, prevention, and management of maternal infections in pregnant women during antenatal care visits. It also fosters demand creation for intervention and services available in health facilities. The course's overall goal is to contribute to the reduction of morbidity and mortality attributable to infections in newborns by improving the diagnosis and management of maternal infections during antenatal care.
The course includes the following modules:
1. Infection prevention and control
2. Point of care and other diagnostics
3. Clinical features and management of selected infections in pregnant women
4. Antimicrobial resistance and stewardship
5. Standard operating procedures for infection control and management during antenatal care
The document linked below provides a course overview. For more information, please contact Gideon Sarpong Nyamekye.
Publication date: November 2024