Integrated Antenatal Care project briefs: Improved screening and management of maternal infections in Ghana

To address the critical challenges of neonatal and maternal mortality, Ghana Health Service and PATH expanded infectious disease screening and treatment among pregnant women through the Integrated Antenatal Care project (2022‒2024). Working mainly at the primary health care level in nearly 70 facilities across 5 districts of Ghana’s Bono East Region, the project built the capacities of health care providers, improved availability of services through antenatal care, and strengthened linkages between primary and referral facilities. The team has integrated screening and treatment for infectious diseases including hepatitis B, urinary tract infections, group B Streptococcus, and sexually transmitted infections. As the project concludes, PATH and Ghana Health Service are working to ensure sustained impact through long-term integration and scale-up of these antenatal care interventions—not only to prevent maternal and neonatal deaths in Ghana, but to also provide a replicable model for other low- and middle-income country settings around the globe.

Publication date: May 2024

Available materials

    1. Integrated Antenatal Care project brief 299.6 KB PDF
    2. Integrated Antenatal Care project community impact stories from Ghana 222.6 KB PDF