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2287 Resource s
2287 Resource s
  1. To inform efforts to accelerate effective and equitable coverage of lifesaving maternal, newborn, and child health interventions that are integrated into primary health care systems, PATH undertook a rapid but rigorous analysis of the status of access, uptake, implementation, and coverage of nine proven interventions. We were able to identify more than 11,000 data points and create 14 interactive dashboards to visualize the status of these interventions along the pathway to scale-up (available at This brief summarizes key findings and offers policy recommendations for global and national decision-makers.
    Published: August 2020
    Resource Page
  2. National health facility infrastructure and medical device standards (also referred to as health facility standards) are a set of guidelines on infrastructure and medical device specifications recommended in each health facility level in a country. The standards are often designed to help ministry of health (MOH) and hospital officials understand what each level of health facility should look like in a country, and can be used when opening new health facilities, certifying existing health facilities, or comparing facilities to a set standard.This guide provides recommendations on how to create or improve high-quality, country-specific resources that outline health facility infrastructure and medical device requirements across different levels of the health system. Evaluating a country’s existing health facility standards alongside this guide may lead to improvements in equipment availability, ultimately helping to increase access to medical oxygen and pulse oximetry (as well as other medical devices) across all levels of the health system.This tool is part of the Oxygen Delivery Toolkit: Resources to plan and scale medical oxygen. The materials provided within the toolkit can be used together or separately, as needed. The complete toolkit is available at
    Published: August 2020
    Resource Page
    Part of a Series, Training Material
  3. This year’s annual report features our annual financial overview, PATH’s leadership, list of PATH’s funders and supporters and our accomplishments in 2019.
    Published: August 2020
    Resource Page
  4. The Roll Back Malaria (RBM) Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group (MERG) has published guidance for malaria surveillance, monitoring, and evaluation during the COVID-19 pandemic, Monitoring and Evaluation of Malaria-related Routine Data During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The document can be found on the RBM MERG website linked here.
    Published: August 2020
    Resource Page
  5. Since 2017, the Democratic republic of Congo (DRC) has worked to halt an outbreak of vaccine-derived polio virus type 2 (cVDPV2) in several of its South-Eastern provinces. Low immunity of children in Haut-Lomami, Tanganyika, and Lualaba provinces is indicative of low routine immunization coverage and the risk of the spread of polio to other areas. These three provinces represent some of the lowest immunization coverage rates in the country and the importance of strengthening these health systems.PATH and partners are working to contribute to the interruption of cVDPV2 transmission in DRC by improving the quality of the outbreak response and ensuring sustainable routine immunization financing and immunization systems are strengthened through policy advocacy activities. This newsletter is produced quarterly to highlight program work related to these objectives.
    Published: July 2020
    Resource Page
    Part of a Series, Brief