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2287 Resource s
2287 Resource s
  1. The Program for the Advancement of Malaria Outcomes (PAMO) is a flagship malaria program for the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI), a US government initiative, in Zambia. PAMO helps the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) accelerate progress toward eliminating local malaria infection and disease. Implemented by PATH in partnership with Jhpiego and the Broadreach Institute for Training and Education (widely known as BRITE), PAMO supports the GRZ at the national level through the National Malaria Elimination Programme and in four high burden provinces: Luapula, Muchinga, Eastern, and Northern.Outreach training and supportive supervision utilizes observations, practical demonstrations, on-the-job training, and patient record reviews to improve malaria case management skills amongst health care workers.
    Published: September 2020
    Resource Page
    Brief, Fact Sheet
  2. The Program for the Advancement of Malaria Outcomes (PAMO) is a flagship malaria program for the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), a US government initiative, in Zambia. PAMO helps the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) accelerate progress toward eliminating local malaria infection and disease. Implemented by PATH in partnership with Jhpiego and the Broadreach Institute for Training and Education (widely known as BRITE), PAMO supports the GRZ at the national level through the National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP) and in four high burden provinces: Luapula, Muchinga, Eastern, and Northern.Data quality audits are useful mechanisms for reviewing service delivery data with health care workers, identifying challenges, and addressing issues to ensure data is complete, timely, and accurate.
    Published: September 2020
    Resource Page
    Brief, Fact Sheet
  3. Digital health technologies, combined with high-quality data, have the power to accelerate health equity by making health systems stronger, more effective, and more responsive to the needs of the populations they serve. As innovation accelerates, the volume of health data that enables technologies and powers health decisions is growing exponentially. Data are key to improving health, whether through successfully combating health emergencies or providing ongoing essential health services and primary health care. The way the world governs health data and data for health has never been more pivotal than it is in this digital age.
    Published: September 2020
    Resource Page
  4. An overview of the PATH-led introduction and scale of 7.1% chlorhexidine for umbilical cord care in nine Francophone West African countries to improve neonatal mortality as part of the INSPiRE project coordinated by IntraHealth. Topics covered include PATH's approach focused on increasing access to supply of high-quality CHX product, engaging stakeholder participation and leadership, and generate demand for product use.
    Published: September 2020
    Resource Page
    Brief, Fact Sheet
  5. PATH’s Living Labs Initiative accelerates the pace of health innovation by co-creating with users to rapidly design, test, and scale solutions to their long-standing challenges. We envision a world where all communities have the solutions they need to live healthy lives.
    Published: September 2020
    Resource Page
    Fact Sheet