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2287 Resource s
2287 Resource s
  1. The Data Use Partnership (DUP) is a Tanzanian government-led initiative that is digitally transforming the health system. The government, in partnership with PATH, is building strong, connected digital health systems that are improving healthcare management and delivery, leading to better health outcomes.DUP is enabling countrywide digital transformation through four focal areas: strengthening digital health and data policy, advancing digital health capacity, co-creating connected digital health systems and coordinating digital health actors locally and globally.
    Published: December 2020
    Resource Page
  2. This resource compiles 31 articles/reports on strategies for ensuring equity in public health practice. These articles/reports provide guidance on applying an equity-oriented lens during the design and implementation of public health projects. Frameworks and approaches included in this document were consulted during an external landscape assessment led by David Fleming and Gabriela Marmolejos in the fall of 2020.
    Published: December 2020
    Resource Page
  3. In December 2020, PATH conducted a sprint analysis for the Global Delivery Program at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to better understand how the COVID-19 pandemic was affecting access to and utilization of essential health services. The analysis centered around four questions:What do we mean by essential health services?Which services are most disrupted?What are the reasons for the declines and what have been the mitigating actions?What can we expect coverage to look like once lockdowns are lifted/vaccine rollout begins?Countries highlighted in the analysis include Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Nigeria, and Pakistan. Data limitations are acknowledged throughout and some data has been redacted due to public sharing limitations.
    Published: December 2020
    Resource Page
  4. This market report serves as a preliminary guide to available suppliers with capacity to provide equipment for respiratory care. It is intended to help buyers conduct an initial assessment of the supplier landscape for each product of interest.The report covers oxygen concentrators, cylinders, delivery interfaces, handheld pulse oximeters, patient monitors, and vacuum / pressure swing adsorption (PSA) plants. For each product, the report offers a list of suppliers, a brief overview of critical technical specifications to consider, and a product price range is included.Intended audiences: Buyers who may find this report useful include government purchasers, such as ministries of health; regional procurement platforms; and global procurers, such as multilateral agencies. Buyers can use the information in this report to help inform considerations around product selection and deployment, better understand product offerings and pricing, and access supplier-specific information, such as quality and production capacity. Distributors and wholesalers who work closely with suppliers may also benefit from this report, as well as suppliers themselves, who can derive a deeper understanding of the competitive landscape for their products.
    Published: December 2020
    Resource Page
  5. Switching from one vaccine product to another can have a significant impact on a country’s budget. For Palestine’s rotavirus vaccination program, a switch paid off.This brief describes an economic analysis conducted by PATH in partnership with the Rostropovich-Vishnevskaya Foundation and the Palestinian Ministry of Health to assess the economic implications of Palestine's switch from ROTARIX to ROTAVAC.
    Published: December 2020
    Resource Page