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2282 Resource s
2282 Resource s
  1. Teams at PATH are working to ensure that primary health care (PHC) caters to the unique needs of every community—particularly marginalized populations. We are broadening the PHC benefit package in alignment with Ayushman Arogya Mandir guidelines, encompassing care for noncommunicable diseases, anemia, and neglected tropical diseases such as snakebite envenoming and rabies.
    Published: April 2024
    Resource Page
  2. PATH is actively supporting the digitization of primary health care in line with the vision of the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission, by implementing a comprehensive primary health care (CPHC) application. This application will serve as centralized data entry point, capturing information at both community and facility levels. It will help to streamline processes, enhance user experience for both service providers and recipients, and alleviate the administrative burden on health care staff.
    Published: April 2024
    Resource Page
  3. Through capacity building and rigorous assessments supported by PATH, Ayushman Arogya Mandirs are achieving quality certification under the government's quality assurance initiatives. Insights from Satara have been consolidated into a comprehensive quality resource package, including modules on National Quality Assurance Standards and Standard Operating Procedures.
    Published: April 2024
    Resource Page
  4. Community participation enhances effectiveness and accountability of health systems, and Satara has emerged as a model in the state of Maharashtra, for establishing and operationalizing community health platforms like the Jan Arogya Samitis (JAS). A procedural document detailing the formation of JAS in Maharashtra has been crafted to aid primary health care teams in other districts, facilitating the registration and activation of these committees.
    Published: April 2024
    Resource Page
  5. Immunization is a success story for global health and development, saving millions of lives every year at relatively low costs. However, each year, about 20 million infants do not receive the full course of the basic vaccines, with over 50% of them not receiving any vaccines. At the Addis Declaration on Immunization in 2016, African leaders committed to support immunization with the goal of ensuring that every African benefits from immunization.Reflecting on these commitments, PATH set out to assess the progress in the implementation of the Addis Declaration in ten selected countries. A retrospective study on the status of immunization financing, including the factors affecting adequate financing for immunization, was conducted by reviewing secondary data from various sources including global and country-based immunization and health databases and published peer reviewed and gray literature.The following resources include a technical brief detailing the key findings, the full report, and country-specific profiles.
    Published: April 2024
    Resource Page
    Video, Report