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2287 Resource s
2287 Resource s
  1. A brief on the current program, challenges with uptake, the potential impact of a reduced schedule, and the process from policy to implementation.
    Published: September 2021
    Resource Page
  2. Relative to its population and other countries, Vietnam has experienced few COVID-19 cases, a testament to strategies by the Government of Vietnam to combat the pandemic. Quick action to limit foreign travel, contain outbreaks, and treat patients has meant that, throughout most of the pandemic, the people of Vietnam have been able to live life as normal. However, since July 2021, cases rose to levels of approximately 10,000 to 14,000 per day, and it is important to remain vigilant and constantly assess the strengths and weaknesses of the health system to ensure that any challenges presented by COVID-19 can be overcome.This report is an assessment on the state of medical oxygen and respiratory care equipment needed for COVID-19 patient treatment in Vietnam. In addition, because medical oxygen and respiratory care equipment are needed also for pneumonia, newborn conditions, asthma, heart failure, obstetric emergencies, and surgery, the findings from this report offer important lessons for improving the health system in general and preparing for the next pandemic.
    Published: September 2021
    Resource Page
  3. Rotavirus vaccination in Palestine has significantly reduced the burden of diarrhea among children, and the benefits were sustained through a vaccine product switch.In 2018, the Palestinian Ministry of Health (MOH) decided to switch from ROTARIX® to ROTAVAC® in their immunization program. Building on previous surveillance work, PATH worked with the Rostropovich Vishnevskaya Foundation and the MOH to study health indicators for two years following the switch to ROTAVAC in order to confirm the continued health benefits of the rotavirus immunization program. This brief presents the results of this impact analysis, which confirm the significant benefit that the rotavirus immunization program has had on reducing the disease burden caused by rotavirus in Palestine.
    Published: August 2021
    Resource Page
  4. The United States is among the largest funders of global health. As part of a global organization with a footprint in 70+ countries, the PATH team in Washington, D.C. leverages technical expertise to equip decision-makers with the information and evidence needed to make smart global health policy. In particular, we work with policymakers to ensure that funding for global health matches the scale of the challenges we face around the world, and that US global health polices and strategies are evidence-informed, ambitious, accountable, and—most importantly—promote equitable access to health. This brief gives a high-level overview of PATH as an organization, our impact, and our footprint in the United States.
    Published: August 2021
    Resource Page
    Brief, Fact Sheet
  5. As part of the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a proliferation of procurement options providing respiratory care equipment and related services to treat severe and critical COVID-19 patients. However, there is limited awareness of the various procurement options available to prospective buyers and how to utilize them.This summary brief highlights respiratory care equipment procurement options and organizations that play a pivotal role in financing, coordinating, and conducting such procurements. It aims to increase awareness of the various procurement options available to prospective respiratory care equipment buyers—such as public procurement entities at national and subnational levels, public and private health facilities, and nongovernmental organizations—in order to inform purchasing decisions. It also aims to strengthen coordination among the global respiratory care equipment community by increasing understanding of each organization’s offerings and capabilities.
    Published: August 2021
    Resource Page