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82 Resource s
  1. This report summarizes findings from a descriptive study using quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative methods included a cross-sectional farm assessment survey using a standardized questionnaire, and collection of surveillance data on travel history in malaria cases from individual patient logs from the outpatient department register book. Qualitative methods employed were key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and direct observations
    Published: October 2019
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  2. The Zambia National Malaria Indicator Survey (MIS) 2018 is a nationally representative household survey designed to assess the coverage of key malaria interventions and the malaria and anemia prevalence of children under five years of age. The 2018 MIS is the sixth such malaria-focused household survey conducted in Zambia. It was conducted through the National Malaria Elimination Centre in April and May 2018 with the support of its partners, including PATH.
    Published: May 2019
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    Part of a Series, Report
  3. This program evaluation sought to provide data on the feasibility and acceptability and baseline entomological data of ZeroFly® nets at farms in Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia; inform whether a second-phase study should be conducted to assess their impact on epidemiological indicators (incidence and/or prevalence of malaria infection); and further entomological indicators. This report only presents data on the feasibility and acceptability (part I), while entomological data are presented in a different report (part II). These results would have great policy implications in revising the national vector control guidelines in such precarious geography and marginalized populations.
    Published: December 2018
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  4. This publication outlines two decades of progress against malaria in Senegal and describes the three major success factors: outstanding leadership and partner engagement; high intervention coverage levels; a thriving data culture. It also explores new opportunities to consolidation and expand upon Senegal’s successes.
    Published: April 2018
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  5. This study looked at seasonal migrant workers in Amhara, Ethiopia, who are susceptible to malaria infections during their travel and stay at farms, and have significant barriers to malaria prevention measures. The study aimed to understand their malaria control behaviors, and determine the feasibility of prevention strategies.
    Published: November 2017
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    Part of a Series