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2285 Resource s
2285 Resource s
  1. The Training of Trainer (ToT) module on “Basics of Oxygen Management System”, developed by PATH, is meant for providing training to those participants who, by the end of the course, are expected to effectively oversee the oxygen ecosystem at their respective levels. This ToT module is relevant to oxygen program managers at national, state, district, and health facility levels to understand the components of medical oxygen management and use this information for informed decision making.
    Published: July 2022
    Resource Page
    Part of a Series, Training Material
  2. Increasing the ability to share and view rapid diagnostic testing dataThis report provides a template of data fields specifically relevant to the COVID-19 RDT (rapid diagnostic test) workflow, called the “ACT-A COVID-19 ANTIGEN RDT DATA MODEL”. The intention was to accelerate the development and deployment of a set of minimum functionalities with a minimum dataset (designed specifically for the project), incorporating data exchange and format standards, for the collection of COVID-19 data. This model is aimed at supporting LMIC partners in the collection of COVID-19 antigen RDT results at a decentralized level for use in patient care, disease surveillance, supply chain management, and as relevant, other use-cases related to pandemic responses.
    Published: July 2022
    Resource Page
  3. The Training of Trainer module on “Personnel Handling Oxygen Devices”, developed by PATH, is intended to provide training to personnel handling oxygen devices in order to meet future demand for medical oxygen by understanding the components of medical oxygen management, oxygen devices, oxygen storage sources, oxygen delivery equipment, operation and maintenance, and their rational and hygienic use.
    Published: July 2022
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    Part of a Series, Training Material
  4. PATH has developed this module to train medical and nursing personnel on various components of medical oxygen management; COVID-19 case management with oxygen; devices used to deliver oxygen therapy to patients; and the rational use of oxygen to meet future demand for medical oxygen. This module will help in effectively overseeing the management of medical oxygen and judiciously using medical oxygen in respiratory care and COVID-19 case management.
    Published: July 2022
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    Part of a Series, Training Material
  5. The New Nets Project was established with the goal of making the latest resistance breaking net technology more widely available to malaria programs throughout Africa. As well as managing the rapid deployment of new nets to partner countries and negotiating a volume guarantee to reduce prices, the New Nets Project partners oversee randomized control trials and pilots. The evidence gathered from these will be used to ascertain the impact and cost-effectiveness of the nets and support an appropriate policy recommendation from the World Health Organization (WHO). The New Nets Project is co-funded by Unitaid and The Global Fund, with complementary funding provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and USAID. The project is led by IVCC. This report shares interim findings from the five observational studies led by PATH.
    Published: July 2022
    Resource Page