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2285 Resource s
  1. Since 1980, PATH has been working alongside leaders, communities, and local change makers to develop sustainable systems for tackling shifting health challenges in Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, Cambodia, and the Philippines.
    Published: September 2022
    Resource Page
  2. Febrile illness, pneumonia, and anaemia each have multiple etiological origins, present with overlapping symptoms, and often are diagnosed by low-skilled frontline health care workers with insufficient or inadequate tools and high patient loads. Furthermore, health care workers in low-resource settings rely on clinical signs to triage these conditions, despite known issues with the accuracy and reliability of these methods, which results in patients being misdiagnosed and not receiving appropriate care. Providing health care workers with tools to help them identify the signs of severe illness could help overcome these challenges.Multimodal (or next generation) pulse oximeters —noninvasive handheld devices that expand the features of standard handheld pulse oximeters by additionally measuring respiratory rate, temperature, and/or hemoglobin—are a promising technology that can provide objective measurements to support clinical decision-making. Combining more than one clinical measurement into a multimodal pulse oximeter has the potential to improve the accuracy and efficiency of, as well as adherence to, consultations that facilitate more appropriate diagnosis and integrated management of illnesses. In addition to reducing mortality, multimodal pulse oximeters could further enhance efficient use of resources and reduce the overall strain on the health system by minimizing the need for costly testing, strengthening referral decisions, and reducing unnecessary hospitalizations, intensive therapy, and overuse of antibiotic treatments.This report aims to assess the potential of multimodal pulse oximeters to improve the integrated diagnosis and treatment of illnesses for patients presenting at health facilities in low- and middle-income countries, with a focus on maternal and child health applications. Understanding technological challenges, existing and pipeline products, and market challenges is key for facilitating equitable access to these tools through market-based interventions.
    Published: September 2022
    Resource Page
  3. This is a simple, Excel-based tool for assessing and comparing costs of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programs annually and for a period of 10 years with HPV vaccine products available in the global market. It aims to help country-level policymakers compare products and estimate vaccination program costs for different HPV vaccines, exploring multiple vaccine options at a time. The tool can be used by decision-makers, implementers, technical partners, and others in any country, whether or not the country is eligible for co-funding from Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. Estimates of vaccine cost (i.e., vaccine and supplies procurement and international shipping) and vaccination program costs (i.e., vaccine cost and cost of delivery) are calculated separately, based on user inputs, for two perspectives: (1) the country perspective and (2) the combined country and Gavi perspective (only relevant for Gavi-eligible countries). The tool also calculates the estimated vaccine dose and cold chain volume requirements, which can support operational planning and logistics.It is important to note that cost is only one consideration when selecting an HPV vaccine product, and users involved in decision-making around new vaccine introduction or product selection should always consider other dimensions as well. This model is meant to provide insights into the potential costs of alternative product choices and should not replace detailed budget planning once a product has been selected.A user guide is included in the file on a tab labeled “READ ME FIRST” which provides detailed instructions on how to use the tool and interpret the results. The tool is available to download in multiple languages below. For questions or support, contact PATH's Health Economics & Outcomes Research team: update as of 21 June 2023: The calculators are currently not properly calculating co-financing amounts for countries in the “accelerated transition” phase of support from Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. We apologize for this oversight, and we are currently working with Gavi to correct this. In the meantime, please contact your Senior Country Manager at Gavi for assistance with a cost analysis rather than using the calculators.
    Published: September 2022
    Resource Page
    Part of a Series, Training Material
  4. Since 1980, PATH has been working alongside leaders, communities, and local change makers to develop sustainable systems for tackling shifting health challenges in five Southeast Asian countries. This brochure provides a synopsis of PATH's work and strategy in the region.
    Published: September 2022
    Resource Page
  5. Billions of people have limited access to affordable and quality health products and services, despite major technological progress. An efficient market is essential for delivering health innovations to everyone who needs them. However, markets often fail those who are marginalized, poor, or affected by emergencies.PATH's Market Dynamics program works to improve health outcomes in LMICs. Our team of more than 60 staff and 50 global partners works across 24 countries and 18 projects. Together, we work to expand market access for health products and services, create solutions that strengthen local markets, and shape global agendas to build more inclusive markets.
    Published: September 2022
    Resource Page
    Fact Sheet