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2310 Resource s
2310 Resource s
  1. S'appuyant sur quatre décennies d'expérience en matière de plaidoyer, PATH entend jouer un rôle de catalyseur pour promouvoir la pratique du plaidoyer dans le domaine de la santé en favorisant les échanges de connaissances, la connexion et la collaboration entre les acteurs de plaidoyer pour la santé et les autres parties prenantes. Ce dossier d'apprentissage met en lumière les principaux enseignements d'une conversation virtuelle entre les acteurs de la société civile et un responsable politique du Kenya, de l'Ouganda et du Burkina Faso sur les expériences et les leçons tirées de l'engagement des responsables politiques dans la définition de l'agenda et des priorités concernant les systèmes de SSP (soins de santé primaire) et la mise en œuvre des politiques aux niveaux national et régional.
    Published: December 2022
    Resource Page
  2. For more than a decade, PATH has supported the adoption of evidence-based, adequately-resourced, and impactful policies. We work side by side with national and subnational government to advance evidence-based policymaking and to ensure civil society is engaged in these processes. For greater impact and sustainability, we partner with local civil society organizations (CSOs), enabling them to lead and demand accountability from governments. This document provides an orientation to our approaches to supporting governments and civil-society partners engaging in policy advocacy, highlights how our approaches and tools have been used and adapted to context, and captures our learnings.
    Published: December 2022
    Resource Page
  3. Global health actors have invested in developing data resources and tools as global goods to support evidence-informed advocacy and decision making by policymakers, advocates, and health care providers, and other diverse players. These tools contain rich data from trusted national and global sources, which can be useful to advocates in building strong advocacy cases to influence policies, investments, decisions, and accountability for RMNCAH and nutrition.
    Published: December 2022
    Resource Page
  4. Listed are a web page and fact sheet (Chinese and English translations) summarizing and linking to the offerings included in a training series developed by PATH entitled "Global Access Training for Chinese COVID-19 Vaccine Developers." The training is designed to provide an overview of key vaccine development strategies and planning necessary to develop COVID-19 vaccines that meet World Health Organization prequalification requirements and are competitive in the global market.
    Published: December 2022
    Resource Page
    Part of a Series, Training Material, Website, Fact Sheet
  5. To address the critical challenges of neonatal and maternal mortality, Ghana Health Service and PATH are expanding infectious disease screening and treatment among pregnant women through the Integrated Antenatal Care project. Working mainly at the primary health care level in nearly 70 facilities across 5 districts of Ghana’s Bono East region, the project is expanding the capacities of community-based and first-level health care providers in diagnosis and management of maternal infections; improving availability of services; and strengthening linkages between primary and referral facilities. The materials linked below were developed to aid the project's social and behavior change communication activities with health workers, patients, and communities.
    Published: December 2022
    Resource Page
    Infographic, Training Material, Fact Sheet, Poster