
Our online catalog indexes publications, presentations, and related resources for peers in our field.

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2285 Resource s
2285 Resource s
  1. Journal article published in Journal of Immunological Methods and co-authored by PATH's Kutub Mahmood.
    Published: November 2022
    Resource Page
    Journal Article
  2. Published: November 2022
    Resource Page
    Journal Article
  3. Journal article published in Frontiers in Immunology and co-authored by PATH's Emily Locke.
    Published: November 2022
    Resource Page
    Journal Article
  4. Journal article published in Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics and co-authored by PATH's Frédéric Debellut, Clint Pecenka, and Bill Hausdorff.
    Published: November 2022
    Resource Page
    Journal Article
  5. Journal article published in Vaccine and co-authored by PATH's Frédéric Debellut, Rouden Mkisi, and Clint Pecenka.
    Published: November 2022
    Resource Page
    Journal Article